Does LinkedIn Show Who Viewed Your Profile?

Does LinkedIn Show Who Viewed Your Profile?
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Tony Robbins once said, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” At, we believe this quote truly sets the tone as we move into 2024, especially in the realm of profile interactions and LinkedIn profile views.
It may be time to remove the LinkedIn private mode and enable profile viewing. This is because LinkedIn profile views can truly amp up your networking game.
According to Zippia stats, there are more than 58 million businesses on LinkedIn and 49 million users searching for jobs via LinkedIn every week.  Without a doubt, LinkedIn can be a dog-eat-dog world. If you really want to stand out, it’s all about the LinkedIn profile views.
In this post, we’re going to talk about everything you need to know! We’ll uncover how to generate that spike in your profile views and just what it takes to open doors to new connections, job offers, and collabs. So, does LinkedIn show who viewed your profile? Let’s dive in!
does linkedin show who viewed your profile
does linkedin show who viewed your profile

Table of Contents


LinkedIn profile views: Vital for understanding your professional online presence.
Account types include Free and premium: Free allows you so see the last 5 profile views in the past 90 days, while premium gives you a full list from the past 365 days
Privacy settings: Public, Semi-Private, and Private modes let you control what others see about your profile views.
Profile optimization tips: Optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract more views and engagement.
Leveraging profile views: Use profile views to identify potential connections and job opportunities.
How helps your rock it: Leverage tools like for enhanced LinkedIn engagement.

Overview of LinkedIn Profile Views

Whether we like it or not, a LinkedIn profile view offers a window into our professional online presence. Knowing who viewed your profile can prove to be priceless.
Importantly, LinkedIn accounts are available for free or premium. This can make all the difference in your engagement levels. When you leverage your LinkedIn profile visibility, you’ll be more equipped to identify potential employers, clients, or collaborators who viewed your profile.
Below we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of what you need to know, whether you’re actively seeking a new job or looking to expand your professional network.

What You Need to Know

According to Zippia, every single second on LinkedIn, 77 job seekers submit an application. This makes who viewed your profile truly of the essence when it comes to mastering your LinkedIn profile.
To get the most out of your LinkedIn profile viewers, here’s some things you need to keep in mind:
  • Free Accounts: Free accounts offer a limited take on who views. With a free LinkedIn, you’ll be able to see the last five people who viewed your profile over the last 90 days. This profile view is enough to grab a snapshot of those recently interested. However, it still lacks the depth needed for some powerful networking.
  • Premium Accounts: With a premium account, you’re going to unlock more insights on just who visited your profile. This is because you’ll have the advantage of seeing all profile visits over the last 365 days. But it doesn’t stop at just who views. This provides more detail about the individual viewer. This includes their industry, job title, and just how they found you. All-in-all, a premium LinkedIn subscription provides you with rich context to delve into your networking efforts.
  • Privacy Settings:  LinkedIn profile visibility, such as LinkedIn private mode can affect visibility and control. This is why it’s important to note that a premium LinkedIn account gives complete access to weekly viewer insights that include the increase or decrease in viewers by percentage weight. That said, your settings allow you to control whether others can see if you've viewed their profile and vice versa. To manage your online presence and engagement more effectively, it’s important to adjust your privacy settings.
Additionally, it’s vital to understand that the LinkedIn algorithm typically favors users who regularly post and share quality content on the platform.
Leveraging LinkedIn profile views
Leveraging LinkedIn profile views

Common Questions

Let’s talk about some of the questions you might have:
  • Can you see who viewed your LinkedIn profile with a free account? Yes, but only the last five viewers within the past 90 days. This means that you can really get a brief look at the recent activity on your profile.
  • What additional information do you get with LinkedIn Premium? With a premium account, you get a full list of profile viewers within the past 365 days and more detailed insights about your viewers. This includes things such as weekly viewer trends that can help you understand who’s interested in your profile and the why behind their interest.
  • How do privacy settings affect profile views? Privacy settings determine whether others can see if you’ve viewed their profile and vice versa. When you adjust these settings, it can help you balance visibility with privacy. This, of course, is going to depend on your specific networking goals.
For more on maximizing your LinkedIn engagement, check out our blog on Managing LinkedIn Accounts.

How to See Who Viewed Your Profile

If you’re curious about who’s been scoping out your profile, you’re definitely not alone. So, how can you see who viewed your profile?
On LinkedIn, answering the question, ‘who viewed my profile’ is easier than you think.
To see your profile views, just look under the ‘Who viewed your profile’ section. Unsure how to get there? No worries, we’ve got you covered.

Steps to Access Profile Views

Here’s how to see who viewed your profile:
  • Go to your LinkedIn profile page.
  • Click the ‘Me’ icon at the top.
  • Click view profile.
  • Scroll down to Analytics
  • Click on the number of LinkedIn profile views.
  • Then, click ‘Who’s viewed your profile?’
You can think of this feature as your crystal ball. It reveals profile visitors that are taking a peek at your professional life. According to LeadDelta, LinkedIn profile views are precise and the intel you gather on who viewed your profile will always contain accurate information.

Common Questions

Here’s some questions you may have when it comes to how to view LinkedIn profiles:
  • What information is available in the “Profile Views” section? It shows the total number of viewers, trends (over time), and insights from those who viewed your profile. This data can prove to be useful in gauging the interest as well as engagement that comes with your LinkedIn profile.
  • Can you see who viewed your profile if they are in private mode? No, private mode viewers appear as "A LinkedIn Member." Business Insider states that LinkedIn has a total of 3 privacy settings for profiles that can determine the exact information you’ll see about any given profile. Sometimes, a LinkedIn user may prefer to browse anonymously.
  • How often should you check your profile views? Regularly, especially if you’re actively networking or job searching. Always keep an eye on this. It’s bound to help you in identifying new opportunities and to connect with potential clients, collabs, and job interests with a quickness.
Remember, LinkedIn profile views are an awesome indicator of the visibility and reach of your LinkedIn profile. It’s important to stay updated with just who’s viewing your profile. This can help you to really fine-tune your networking strategy and level-up your LinkedIn presence.
How privacy mode affects profile views on LinkedIn
How privacy mode affects profile views on LinkedIn

Privacy Settings for Profile Viewing

Now let’s talk about the root of profile viewing on LinkedIn: your privacy settings. These settings are a lot like curtains in your home. With LinkedIn profile visibility, you decide how much of your professional life is available for others to see. Just like when you open up the curtains to let the sun shine in, you also close them for privacy.
LinkedIn private mode settings give you the flexibility to manage profile viewing and visibility. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand these settings to the fullest so you can navigate the platform with confidence.

Different Privacy Modes

There’s been several changes over the years on LinkedIn that are aimed at protecting our privacy along with giving us more control of just what others are able to see. In fact, LinkedIn offers 3 modes of privacy for profile viewing:
  • Public Mode: This is basically like having your curtains wide open. It shows your name, headline, location, and industry. This mode is the perfect fit for those who want to be highly visible. It works well for those who are open to new opportunities and connections.
  • Semi-Private Mode: With this, your curtains are partially drawn. It shows job title, industry, or educational background without your name. Think of this as your more balanced approach if you’re seeking to still have some level of anonymity (while still dishing out the more relevant professional details).
  • Private Mode: Not ready to let the light shine in? This mode shows "A LinkedIn Member" with no additional details. According to, with a free profile, if you’re browsing in private mode, people won’t know when you’ve visited their page and vice versa. This mode is perfect for those who want to browse discreetly. It allows them to research profiles without their identity being uncovered.

Common Questions

If you’ve got some questions about LinkedIn privacy settings, we’ve got answers to some of the most common ones below:
  • How do you change your profile viewing mode? Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “Visibility” > “Profile Viewing Options.” This allows you to choose between Public, Semi-Private, and Private modes.
  • What is the benefit of browsing in private mode? It allows you to research profiles without them knowing (the profile owner won’t be notified). This can be quite useful for research or for those who want to dig a little deeper into potential connections or competitors.
  • Does private mode affect the information you see about who viewed your profile? Yes, you will not see detailed information about who viewed your profile. This makes it a trade-off between maintaining your privacy and gaining insights into your viewers.
Keep in mind that these privacy settings give you control over your LinkedIn profile views. This way, you can manage just how much information you share while networking and engaging on the platform.

Leveraging Profile Views for Networking

Now that we’ve already answered the question, ‘Can you see who viewed your profile,’ we need to address just what profile visits can do to leverage your network.
So, imagine LinkedIn profile views as a sort-of digital handshake. With them, you can use a profile view to connect and grow your network. Let’s say you get some new profile visitors, they extend their hand ready to introduce themselves.
Although this is a silent interaction, it can be a very powerful networking tool. It offers you opportunities to engage, connect, and build priceless professional relationships. Below, we’ll go over a few strategies to truly get the most out of your viewers while boosting your networking efforts.

Strategies for Networking

When it comes to networking, it’s all about strategy. This is where profile views play their part. According to LeadDelta, they act as a reminder, whether it be a business opportunity or an old friend. At the same time within our network, we may want to research potential customers, but don’t want them to know we’re gathering this sort of intel. That said, here’s some strategies to help you leverage profile views for networking:
  • Follow up with viewers: Send a connection request or message to those who viewed your profile. This is typically a sign that they’re interested in you or what you do. A personalized message could be the conversation starter and the beginning of a valuable connection.
  • Personalize your outreach: Use the information from profile views to tailor your messages. The intel you gather from profile views should be used to your advantage. This could be a common interest, a shared connection, or something specific about their profile. When you keep it personal, this makes it more engaging and increases the likelihood of a positive response.
  • Track your engagement: Monitor who views your profile after you post content. This is going to help you learn what types of content attract profile viewers and will also allow you to refine your strategy. It’s a known fact that engaging content can lead to more profile visits and potential connections. Also, check out our blog on the Best Times to Post on LinkedIn in 2024. As with any social platform, timing is key.

Common Questions

We’ve all got questions when it comes to networking, let’s talk about some of the most common when it comes to using profile views and visits:
  • How can profile views help in job searching? Identify recruiters and hiring managers who are viewing your profile. When you decide to reach out to these viewers, it shows them your interest in opportunities. It also makes a lasting impression.
  • What should you include in a message to someone who viewed your profile? Mention that you noticed they viewed your profile and expressed interest in connecting. You could try a simple, brief message that says something like, “Hi (Name), I’m reaching out because you’ve viewed my profile and I’d love to connect to discuss (common thread, i.e. interest or industry).” This can be truly effective.
  • How often should you follow up with profile viewers? Follow up within a few days of the view and send a gentle reminder if there’s no response. This is the best way to show them that you’re truly interested without being pushy. All-in-all, persistence is key.
There’s no doubt that leveraging LinkedIn profile views can transform passive interest into active networking. Explore more on leveraging LinkedIn for business in our blog on AI Content Creation Tools. By incorporating these strategies, you can turn those profile visits into meaningful opportunities from potential connections.
LinkedIn Premium and profile views
LinkedIn Premium and profile views

Understanding LinkedIn Premium Features

With LinkedIn premium, you’re stepping into the VIP section when it comes to professional networking. In fact, LeadDelta has pointed out that LinkedInpremium takes profile views to an entirely new level with so many options at your disposal.
Of course, LinkedIn shows who viewed your profile with a cap on the last 5 on a free account, but with premium, being able to see who viewed your profile, is much more exclusive.
LinkedIn premium offers you advanced tools and features that can truly enhance your networking and job search efforts. Essentially, you can unlock a wealth of insights and capabilities to gain that competitive edge in a professional world.

Benefits of LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium offers several advanced features to take note of:
  • Full list of profile viewers: See everyone who viewed your profile within the last 365 days. In turn, this gives you a more comprehensive overview of your profile’s reach and impact.
  • Viewer insights: Access detailed analytics about your profile viewers. With LinkedIn premium, you’re getting full access to all profile viewer insights. This includes the increase or decrease in viewership. You’ll be able to access their job titles, industries, and locations. This should help you tailor your networking strategy more effectively.
  • InMail: Send messages to people who are not in your network. With this premium feature along with who views, you’ll be able to expand your reach through direct communication with potential clients, employers, or collaborators.

Common Questions

Here are some common questions about LinkedIn Premium:
  • What additional information do LinkedIn Premium users get? A full list of profile viewers and detailed insights. These include viewer trends and analytics. With premium, you’re going to better understand who viewed your profile and why, so you can more strategically manage your network.
  • Is LinkedIn Premium worth the cost? It depends on how actively you’re using LinkedIn for networking and job searching. Let’s say you engage more frequently on the platform, then advanced features and insights can be extremely beneficial to you.
But the buck doesn’t stop there. It’s important to learn how to save time when posting on LinkedIn using the Best LinkedIn Scheduling Tools.

Optimizing Your Profile for Increased Views

LinkedIn profile views are extremely important. This is because our LinkedIn profile acts as a digital business card. In fact, this is our first impression in the digital, professional world. This means it should be polished, informative, and engaging. When your profile is optimized, it can significantly boost the profile views you garner while also attracting the right connections. Your profile viewers matter, whether you're job hunting, networking, or growing your business.

Tips for Profile Optimization

We’re beginning to understand that profile views are one of the best ways to track our performance for job search, sales, and recruiting. Here are some tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile while attracting more LinkedIn profile views:
  • Profile Picture: Use a professional and clear profile picture. Your profile picture should be a high-quality headshot, preferably with a neutral background. This makes you appear approachable and professional.
  • Headline: Write a compelling headline that includes keywords related to your industry. This is a great way to tell people what you do, while also helping your profile appear in any relevant searches.
  • Summary: Craft a detailed and engaging summary that highlights your skills and experiences. This section is the place to tell people your professional story while showcasing your greatest achievements.
  • Activity: Regularly post and engage with content to increase visibility. It’s vital to actively participate on Linkedin. This keeps you on the radar for your current connections, while helping you to attract new ones. At, we leverage ai content creation for viral and engaging posts.

Common Questions

Let’s answer some common questions about optimizing your LinkedIn profile:
  • What makes a good LinkedIn profile picture? A clear, professional headshot with a neutral background. Basically, it must convey approachability and professionalism.
  • How can you write an effective headline? Include industry-related keywords and make it compelling. It’s got to give a snapshot of your professional identity if you wish to attract the right audience.
  • What should be included in the summary section? Highlight key skills, experiences, and achievements. Essentially, it should be engaging and detailed enough to give profile visitors a clear picture of your professional background.
By using these optimization strategies, your LinkedIn profile is sure to stand out. This will attract more views and create those priceless connections that may advance your career or business goals. Be sure to check out our guide on LinkedIn Growth Strategies for more tips on optimizing your profile. An optimized profile is going to improve your visibility and will ensure that the right people find and connect with you.
How can help leverage LinkedIn profile views and engagement
How can help leverage LinkedIn profile views and engagement

Tying it All Back to

Although LinkedIn shows who viewed your profile, standing out and maintaining a consistent presence can be a challenge. That’s where swoops in and aids in your LinkedIn profile visibility. leverages cutting-edge AI tech to streamline all of your activities on LinkedIn. This makes it easier for you to connect, engage, and grow your network with who views your profile.

How Can Help offers several features to level-up your LinkedIn experience:
  • AI Ghostwriter: Craft compelling LinkedIn posts and summaries. Our AI ghostwriter helps you save time and effort by creating engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • GrowthTools™ Suite: Optimize your profile for increased views and engagement. Our tools can help you attract more profile viewers and build a stronger professional presence
  • Automation: Schedule and manage LinkedIn content to maintain a consistent presence. With automation, your profile remains active and visible, even while you’re busy working on other tasks.

Common Questions

Here are some common questions about using
  • How can AI tools improve LinkedIn engagement? By creating high-quality, relevant content that attracts views. allows you to stay active and visible to your network.
  • What features does offer for LinkedIn users? AI-generated content, scheduling, and growth optimization tools. These tools provide you with an effective way to manage your LinkedIn presence.
  • How can help with networking on LinkedIn? By providing tools to create engaging content and track profile views. Overall, this makes networking more productive and less time-consuming.
Interested in learning more about leveraging AI for LinkedIn, be sure to check out our blog on Using LinkedIn AI to Build Your Brand.

Learnings Recap

Let’s go over some of the most important things we’ve learned on how to master our LinkedIn profile views below:
  • Free LinkedIn accounts show the last five profile viewers within the past 90 days.
  • LinkedIn Premium offers a full list of profile viewers within the past 365 days.
  • Privacy settings let you control what others see about your profile views.
  • Use profile views to identify potential connections and job opportunities.
  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract more views and engagement.
  • Leverage tools like for enhanced LinkedIn engagement.

Final Thoughts

Yes, LinkedIn can show profile views with the right settings and subscription
Yes, LinkedIn can show profile views with the right settings and subscription
Steven Pressfield once said, “The essence of professionalism is the focus upon the work and its demands, while we are doing it, to the exclusion of all else.” At, we believe in these words. We know that one must master their LinkedIn profile views if they wish to enhance their networking and job searching efforts. That’s why we’re here to help. When you optimize your profile, decide between free and premium, and use tools like, you can turn your LinkedIn presence into an incredible career asset.
Be sure to take all the information provided here and put it into practice. It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie to LinkedIn, or you just want to enhance your existing profile, there’s always room for growth and improvement. Cheers to a successful LinkedIn journey.
For more tips and strategies, be sure to check out our guides on LinkedIn growth strategies

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of