How to Boost LinkedIn Engagement Rate with AI

Looking to increase your LinkedIn engagement rate? First, you need to understand what LinkedIn engagement rate is and how to calculate it for your account:

How to Boost LinkedIn Engagement Rate with AI
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Looking to increase your LinkedIn engagement rate? First, you need to understand what LinkedIn engagement rate is and how to calculate it for your account.
Regularly analyzing and improving your engagement rate on LinkedIn will help you strategize your content according to your target audience’s interests and preferences to reach a larger mass.
The best news is the right AI tool can help you boost your LinkedIn engagement rate faster and more easily. Let’s dive into the details.

What is the Engagement Rate on LinkedIn?

Your LinkedIn engagement rate can inform you about how much your audience engages with your posts and which posts they find more engaging.
It measures the number of likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates. Use them wisely and strengthen your connections with your audience.
  • Likes indicate the approval of your audience.
  • Shares extend your post’s reach, boosting your visibility.
  • Comments encourage you to start conversations with the audience.
  • Click-through rates show how effective your call-to-actions are.
You should regularly monitor and optimize your LinkedIn engagement rate to boost brand awareness. Your LinkedIn engagement rate can also help you assess the effectiveness of your LinkedIn marketing efforts.
A good LinkedIn engagement rate can lead you to reach a larger audience, convert more leads, and showcase your value. It shows that your content resonates well with your audience, boosting brand visibility and leading to a positive return on investment (ROI).

How to Calculate LinkedIn Engagement Rate

You need the following stats of your posts to calculate your LinkedIn engagement rate:
  • Impressions
  • Comments
  • Reactions
  • Shares
To get access to these insights, you can visit your Posts & Activity page, where you can see all your LinkedIn activity and statistics.
Calculating your LinkedIn engagement rate involves a simple formula: Divide your total engagement by total impressions, then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.
LinkedIn engagement rate = (Total engagement / Total Impressions) * 100
Total engagement is the total number of your posts' likes, reactions, comments, and shares. The total impression number shows how many times your post is displayed.
Let’s walk through an example:
notion image
This post has no comments or shares, so we find the total engagement count in the likes and reactions.
Divide the total engagement by total impressions: 15 (total engagement) / 302 (total impressions) = 0.049
Then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage: 0.049 * 100 = 4.9
So this particular post’s engagement rate on LinkedIn is 4.9%
You should regularly calculate and monitor your LinkedIn engagement rates to determine your average engagement rate on LinkedIn. Also, compare your average rate to your industry’s average LinkedIn engagement rate to better understand your performance.
You can see average LinkedIn engagement rates for different niches in October 2023. Here are the LinkedIn engagement rates of several niches:
  • Entertainment and media: 1.19%
  • Financial services: 1.58%
  • Food and beverage: 1.06%
  • Healthcare and wellness: 1.49%
  • Real estate: 1.56%
  • Professional services and consulting: 1.43%
  • Technology: 1.53%
  • Travel, hospitality, and leisure: 1.39%

The Role of Content in LinkedIn Engagement

Now, you have calculated your LinkedIn engagement rate and compared it to your industry’s average rate. You know what your audience likes (or doesn’t). What is next?
Let’s talk about how to increase engagement on LinkedIn. Boosting your LinkedIn engagement rate primarily requires top-quality content. It serves as a trigger to start valuable interaction and build a sense of community within your followers.
Remember that you should regularly share well-crafted content to establish your presence. Consistency makes your audience anticipate more of your content and encourages them to engage with your posts actively.
Content that resonates with your audience should contribute to their career journey and insights while helping them improve their skill sets and professional competence.
You should learn more about your target audience’s preferences, goals, pain points, and interests to craft resonating content. So, you should monitor your LinkedIn engagement rates to create a content strategy to reach more followers.
You need to spark inspirational conversations, share helpful tips, and position your brand as a trustworthy thought leader in your industry with your content. So you can connect more deeply with your target audience and gain insights into engaging content.
Ask them to offer their point of view on your recent posts and leverage posts that engaged well with your audience in the past. Consider the comments providing positive and negative feedback to your content to refine it.
LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards meaningful and compelling content that engages with the audience. When you receive likes, comments, and shares through quality content, it shows the algorithm that your content is worth sharing with a broader audience.
When you consistently share content tailored for your target audience, you will increase your LinkedIn engagement rate, drive your brand visibility, and foster more engagement and growth of your profile.

How AI Can Help You Create Content That Increases LinkedIn Engagement

Artificial intelligence tools can help you increase your LinkedIn engagement rates by following the best practices to maximize meaningful interaction with your audience. Here is how:
The developments have reached the point that AI tools can analyze data, identify trends, and generate high-quality content that can resonate with a specific target audience. Thus, these tools open a path to automated and enhanced content creation processes.
You can ask an AI tool like Postwise to generate content ideas that resonate with your audience’s needs, interests, goals, and preferences. It will significantly streamline your content creation process.
Using the most successful content strategies, Postwise can craft engaging and resonating content that will increase your engagement rate on LinkedIn, thanks to its original and natural voice compared to other AI tools.
Postwise can suggest relevant popular ideas to draw your audience’s attention using the analysis based on user preferences and industry-specific trending topics and insights.
It also addresses the consistency factor for a high LinkedIn engagement rate. It writes posts that will go viral for you regularly, eliminating writer’s block forever. It is like thousands of ghostwriters create content for you constantly.
You can also use Postwise to schedule when to post your content.
This will ensure that you maximize the impact of your content and showcase your dedication to the platform. Holding to a schedule will drive an increase in LinkedIn engagement rate.
Another significant contribution of Postwise to your rate is a faster content brief creation process. It can create outlines for your content with recommendations for subheadings and main points you should cover within minutes.
Postwise can also suggest keywords in your content to optimize it to rank better on the search engine results. This will boost your impressions stats on your profile and enhance your LinkedIn engagement rate.
You should keep track of how well your content performs to make no compromises on your content’s quality and engagement rate. Postwise understands what content works best for your audience and refines it over time, providing insights into how to leverage your engagement rates.
The more Postwise learns about your audience, the more engaging its content becomes for your audience. So, you will find results that feel authentic and tailored to your audience's interests, leading you to a higher engagement rate on LinkedIn.


To boost your LinkedIn engagement rate, there are key insights to practice: Understanding LinkedIn metrics, acknowledging the role of top-quality content, and empowering AI in the process.
If you want a consistent flow of creative content ideas aligned with your audience’s preferences and you want it fast, sign up for a free trial of Postwise, the AI solution designed for regularly engaging content creation and increased LinkedIn engagement rate.
Postwise can analyze vast amounts of data and trends, optimize your posting schedule for a captivating impact, and craft content that resonates with your specific target audience authentically.
Are you ready to take action to boost your LinkedIn engagement rate and reach a larger audience? Try Postwise for free and see how your AI ghostwriter creates compelling content and increases your LinkedIn engagement rate.

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of

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