The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Consistency on LinkedIn

LinkedIn gives the most weight to users who consistently post high-quality material. You need a focused and disciplined approach to achieve your LinkedIn goals.

The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Consistency on LinkedIn
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Consistency beats everything else when it comes to LinkedIn. This platform gives the most weight to users who consistently post high-quality material.
But creating and posting high-quality content regularly consumes time and energy.
You need a focused and disciplined approach to achieve your LinkedIn goals.
Keep reading to learn how to build a consistent LinkedIn routine to achieve your marketing goals.

Establishing Your LinkedIn Routine

You need a defined LinkedIn routine to be successful. That means you need to schedule when and what you will post.
Ideally, you should build a content calendar. A content calendar is a schedule for your content.
It’ll include which content you’ll produce and when to publish it.
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To build an effective schedule, you need to strategically decide your content.
For example, you want to publish when your audience is most likely to read your content.
Say you publish an article about outsourcing HR management intended for middle managers. You wouldn’t want to publish it at 2 am, right?
That’s the worst time because no one will read it then.
Instead, you’ll ideally want to publish between 2 and 6 pm. That’s when your target audience is most likely to read it.
Publishing at peak times also maximizes visibility since the LinkedIn algorithm will promote you more.
Speaking of the algorithm, you also don’t want to get penalized for posting too much. Frequent posting comes off as spammy to both readers and the LinkedIn algorithm. Don’t do it.
Instead, post at a consistent pace but not frequently, like once a week.
Another benefit of not spamming is that you’ll maintain the quality of your content. Quality beats everything long-term. And your content quality declines long-term if you post too often.
So, the right approach is to post high-quality content consistently.
As for which frequency you should post, that depends on your industry. You’ll have to judge individually. Generally, you’ll want to post at least once a week.
For instance, one of the best times to post for a US audience is Friday 12 pm.

Crafting Your Content Strategy

You can publish different content on LinkedIn, including

Industry insights

Industry insights include information about your industry you’ve learned through your work.
For example, an industry insight for a freelance writer is that 90% of readers don’t make it past the first sentence.
This type of content educates and engages your readers.
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This includes your or your company’s professional or personal achievements.
For instance, if you’re a salesperson, you could post that you closed 32 sales this year.
These posts inspire your LinkedIn readers.
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Thought leadership

Thought leadership content is in-depth material that establishes your authority in your industry.
Say you run an online job board. You could create thought leadership content around the impact of AI on the job market.
This type of content demonstrates your business’s knowledge and expertise.
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The best way to decide which content to publish is according to your professional brand.
You want your content to reflect your brand image.
For example, say you’re a B2B SaaS with an HR SaaS product.
Your brand will be formal and professional, and you’ll want to present your image as an authority on HR.
So, it makes sense for you to publish thought leadership content frequently. You want to establish your business as an authority.
Doing so will help you achieve your goals in the best way.
You also want your content’s language, style, and structure to reflect your brand.
You’ll present yourself differently if you’re a cat toy company versus an investment bank.
As a cat toy company, you’ll use more informal and leisurely language to attract your customers. But you wouldn’t if you’re an investment bank.
So, you should build your content’s style around your industry’s norms and what your audience expects.
You aim to create content that best reflects your brand and meets your company’s needs.
So, your LinkedIn content strategy must be tailored to your brand and industry.
While that’s difficult, you can make it easier by employing relevant tools.
We’ve already touched on content calendars, but we’ll expand on them too.
With a content calendar, you can simplify content creation and scheduling.
Check out this example of a SaaS salesperson:
Inspirational post on hitting the sales target
Thought leadership blog article on modern SaaS sales.
Industry insight post on SaaS sales.
This schedule clearly shows when you’ll post which content.
Content calendars make your life easier because it displays when you’ll post which content.
You can make your life even easier by using Postwise.AI to schedule your content.
You can use Postwise’s AI writer to help you create and schedule posts. Furthermore, you just select when you want your content published after creating it.

Engagement and Interaction Techniques

To maximize your LinkedIn presence, you should interact with the LinkedIn community.
Interaction will build relationships and increase engagement with your content.
That’s not to say you should like or comment on every post you see. That would come across as spammy.
Instead, you want to interact with your followers meaningfully.
Say you’re a managed IT service provider.
You should interact with posts relevant to your field.
Say, a follower posts about the difficulty of managing their firm's cybersecurity.
You could comment with your expertise on their post, informing them how you could make it easier for them.
This is a meaningful interaction because you’ve provided relevant and valuable information.
Your follower will see you positively and may even contact you for your services in the future.
Apply the same principle when you share other people’s posts on your LinkedIn.
Only share relevant and useful posts.
For instance, maybe you’re a B2B marketer, and you share a post about brand management by Deloitte.
Deloitte’s post talks about how businesses are increasing investment in AI-based marketing.
Your sharing of this post is a meaningful and intelligent decision.
This post provides meaningful information.
It’s also relevant because you’re a marketer yourself.
When your followers see you shares relevant marketing posts, it increases your credibility.
For this to work, you must share posts from relevant and authoritative sources.
The easiest way to do that is to follow industry leaders.
Another tactic is to find and interact with relevant industry-related groups.
If you’re a freelance graphic designer, you’ll find graphic design groups on LinkedIn.
Join them, post relevant content, and engage with their members.
Consistently apply these tactics to maximize your LinkedIn engagement, visibility, and credibility.

Analyzing Your LinkedIn Performance

LinkedIn has an analytics tool you can use to refine your LinkedIn strategy. LinkedIn analytics provides data on your profile and posts’ performance.
This data includes how many people react to your posts and where they’re from.
Use LinkedIn analytics to analyze and discover how to improve your strategy.
For example, if your follower count increases over time, your engagement strategy is working.
But your strategy needs adjustment if you see little to no growth in your follower count.
These are the three most relevant LinkedIn analytics.


Content analytics consists of your posts’ performance.
This includes the following metrics:
  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Reposts
LinkedIn analytics also provides graphs showing your content’s performance over time.
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Use content analytics to judge whether your content performs satisfactorily over time.
For instance, you can check how your blog posts perform on reactions and comments.
Perhaps you’ve published thirty blog posts of different lengths: 1,000 words, 1,500 words, and 3,000 words. You publish ten blog posts of each length.
You publish your blog posts and collect a week’s content data on each post.
You discover that 1,500-word blog posts, on average, receive 25% more reactions than 1,000-word ones. You also find that 1,500 blog posts receive 15% more reactions than 3,000-word ones.
1,500 words is likely the best length for your content.


The follower analytics tab displays the following:
  • Your total follower count
  • How many new followers you’ve gained in the past 30 days
  • A graph of your followers over time
  • Your follower’s geographic locations
Use this information to understand which audience is most receptive to your content.
Say you’re a Real Tech startup in Toronto, Canada, that sells property management software. Your goal is to find the best market to sell your software.
Your LinkedIn analytics reveal that most of your organic followers are from Texas.
That information proves that people from Texas are more receptive to your content.
So, you should focus on selling your software in Texas since it’s your most receptive area.


Does LinkedIn show who viewed your profile? The visitor tab gives metrics on visitors, i.e., people who visit your page but aren’t your followers yet.
This tab includes
  • Page views
  • Visitor count
  • Visitor demographics
The visitor demographics details the job, company, and seniority level of your visitors.
Use the visitor tab to understand better the traffic generated by your page.
For example, say you provide marketing data analytics software.
Your LinkedIn content is designed to attract marketing professionals.
You learn most of your visitors are junior marketing managers at mid-sized companies.
This means junior marketing managers at mid-sized companies are the most receptive to your page.
So, you may want to target them more.

Overcoming Challenges in Maintaining Consistency

You’ll face many challenges en route to becoming consistent on LinkedIn.
Chief among these include time constraints, content fatigue, and motivation.

Time constraint

Creating high-quality content necessarily takes time. You need to invest enough to produce good content.
That’s a challenge for most busy workplaces.
The best way to handle this is by setting aside extra time for your LinkedIn.
You could start with 20 minutes of focused time a day. Then, slowly increase it to an hour in subsequent weeks.
Ensure you set this time when you know you’ll be free to work on your LinkedIn.

Content fatigue

Creating high-quality content also takes energy. You may not always have it.
The best strategy to deal with content fatigue is content batching.
That means you’ll create batches of similar types of content.
For example, you could plan a series of blog posts around small business accounting for a month.
Batching your content conserves energy by clarifying what your topics will be.
You could use Postwise’s AI writer to make batching even easier. You’ll input your content and Postwise will batch your content for you.


Generating good results on LinkedIn takes time. You have to be patient.
Staying consistent can be difficult when you don’t experience immediate results. It can also be difficult when your LinkedIn strategy costs time and resources.
You’ll doubt whether it’s even worth continuing at all.
Remember why you’re working on your LinkedIn during these moments.
Remember that LinkedIn is a slow process that takes time. You have to stay consistent to make good progress.
Improve your motivation by learning how others achieved their LinkedIn success. It was also through patience and consistency.
Think about all the benefits you’ll gain in the future.


You’ve now learned how to achieve LinkedIn consistency.
Let’s recap.
You’ll maximize your LinkedIn goals by consistently posting high-quality content. This includes thought leadership blogs, inspirational posts, and personal achievements.
You must also have meaningful interactions with your followers to boost your credibility. And you can use LinkedIn’s suite of data analytics to improve your strategy.
Another tool you can use is Postwise. Click here to learn how Postwise’s AI writer and scheduler can help you achieve your LinkedIn goals.

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of