What are the Best times to post on LinkedIn in 2024

Often, posts get lost among others, missing key networking opportunities. It can also lead to decreased leads and sales. Yet, there's a solution to this common challenge. Knowing the best times to post is crucial to excel in your LinkedIn engagement rate in 2024.

What are the Best times to post on LinkedIn in 2024
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Need help to stand out on LinkedIn? You're not alone. Many professionals and businesses face this.
Often, posts get lost among others, missing key networking opportunities. It can also lead to decreased leads and sales.
Yet, there's a solution to this common challenge. Knowing the best times to post is crucial to excel in your LinkedIn engagement rate in 2024.
This guide, based on the latest data, reveals how. Master your LinkedIn presence in 2024 with these insights. Use them and make your content hit the mark, increasing your impact, engagement, leads, and sales.

Analyzing LinkedIn Engagement Patterns in 2024

Understanding LinkedIn engagement is vital for success in 2024, too. User interaction has shifted since last year due to several platform changes. These changes impact how content is consumed and shared. Key changes include:
  • Algorithm Tweaks: LinkedIn's updated algorithm now favors interactive, discussion-driven content.
  • Preference for Value-Driven Content: Users lean more towards educational and insightful posts.
  • Increased Focus on Video and Live Content: Video posts have gained more traction.
  • Rise in Personal Branding: There's a greater emphasis on individual thought leadership.
  • Enhanced User Experience: LinkedIn has improved its interface for better content discovery.
Despite these changes, the timing of posts remains crucial for maximizing LinkedIn's benefits.

Understanding the Shifts Since 2023

LinkedIn has undergone some changes since last year. Understanding these transitions should take a role in determining your LinkedIn strategy to increase your visibility and engagement rate.
  • Diversified User Interaction: LinkedIn's user base is diverse, as are its content interactions. This diversity has led to varied peak activity times across different user segments.
    • Some users are job hunting and looking for connections with potential employers. Some share thoughts and insights on their profession, while others just network.
      To make the most out of this diverse setting, you should pay attention to certain features of your LinkedIn account.
      For example, you should keep your profile neat and professional for job hunting. You can also be active in relevant job groups and engage with content specific to your industry.
      If you like to learn from experts, you can follow and chat with thought leaders and influencers. These professionals often produce original content. Engaging with them can be a great way to stay updated on your industry trends.
      You can join industry-specific communities and discussions if you need to network in a particular field. You can connect with peers and attend virtual events to use LinkedIn for networking.
  • Changing Content Landscape: LinkedIn has become more educational, motivational, and industry-focused. This change can also affect your approach to the platform.
    • You can create and share educational and insightful content that aligns with your expertise and audience’s interests. You can use motivational elements in your posts or stories to engage with your audience.
      Sharing success stories, career tips, or insights into overcoming obstacles in the professional world can also boost your personal brand. You can also participate in industry-focused conservations by commenting on related posts.

The Crucial Role of Timing in LinkedIn Engagement

Posting at the right time on LinkedIn now requires more strategy. Early mornings and late afternoons see the most activity on weekdays.
For example, posts at 8 AM catch early birds checking LinkedIn. Late afternoon posts align with professionals winding down their day.
This timing maximizes visibility and interaction for your content. Thus, aligning with these hours can significantly boost engagement.
Knowing when your global audience is active is also crucial. Tailoring post times to different time zones ensures a broader reach.
For instance, a post at 9 AM EST targets U.S. professionals. The same post at 8 PM EST reaches Asian audiences starting their day.
This approach ensures your content engages users worldwide effectively. Therefore, adapting to various time zones enhances your global LinkedIn presence.

Strategic Scheduling of LinkedIn Posts

Understanding LinkedIn engagement helps tailor your posting schedule effectively. Analyzing peak interaction times leads to targeted, timely posts.
For example, if analytics show high engagement at 10 AM on Tuesdays, schedule key posts then. This strategic use of data directly impacts your post's success.
Therefore, aligning posts with these insights increases audience reach and interaction.
Using LinkedIn's scheduling tools ensures a steady online presence. Consistently timed posts build audience expectations and trust.
Imagine scheduling posts for a whole week, each at optimal times. This method keeps your profile active without daily manual effort.
Scheduled posts during high-engagement times enhance your visibility. Thus, regular scheduling can significantly boost your LinkedIn influence and engagement.

Key Factors Influencing Optimal Posting Times on LinkedIn

You should know what drives engagement to reach an enhanced LinkedIn engagement in 2024. Identifying your LinkedIn audience depends on their demographics, content type, and time zone.

Audience Demographics

  • Age, Location, Profession: LinkedIn usage varies among different groups. For example, young professionals often check LinkedIn later, while executives prefer mornings. For more information, you might wonder, does LinkedIn show who viewed your profile?
  • Industry-Specific Peaks: Engagement patterns differ across industries. Finance pros might be active post-market hours, and tech folks during lunch breaks.

Content Type and Engagement Times

  • Educational vs. Promotional Content: Mornings are better for educational posts, and evenings are better for promotional ones. Early content catches users in learning mode; promos work when they're more relaxed.
  • Interactive Content: Polls and questions engage users during workday breaks. This timing taps into their need for brief, engaging diversions.

Time Zone Considerations

  • Global Audience Scheduling: Posting at specific times reaches a worldwide audience. This strategy caters to various segments at optimal moments.
  • Regional Engagement Trends: Regional habits influence engagement significantly. Posts timed for European mornings can catch users in early U.S. hours. This approach ensures broader, more effective engagement across regions.

Best Times to Post on LinkedIn: Weekdays vs. Weekends

Engaging LinkedIn users on weekends and weekdays is essential to growth. User behavior and professional routines influence LinkedIn posting times. Engagement rates may fluctuate throughout the week.

Weekday Posting: The Hub of Professional Activity

  • Morning Engagement: LinkedIn sees the most activity on weekday mornings between 7:30 and 9:00 am. Visibility is reasonable when professionals check their feeds before starting their workday.
  • Lunchtime Interaction: Users are likelier to engage with content during lunchtime, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, when they take breaks.
  • Evening Recap: Post-work hours are when users share their days and network.

Weekend Posting: A Different Engagement Landscape

  • Reduced Overall Activity: Weekends generally experience a drop in LinkedIn activity. As users read more posts, engagement can be more qualitative.
  • Late Morning Posts: The best times to post on LinkedIn during weekends are later, around 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Users tend to log in at a more leisurely pace compared to weekdays.

Data-Driven Insights

  • Statistical Trends: Engagement analysis shows higher weekly activity, especially Tuesday through Thursday.
  • Case Studies: Businesses and individuals may achieve more weekday interaction and leads through LinkedIn.
Changing industry trends and global events also affect LinkedIn's optimal posting times. This calls for flexible posting schedules to keep up audience engagement.

Adapting to Industry-Specific Peak Times

  • Variable Engagement Patterns: Different industries have their peak times on LinkedIn. When markets open in the morning, finance is more active, while tech is more active in the late afternoon.
  • Content Relevance: Posting effectiveness hinges on content relevance to current industry trends. Posts in tune with ongoing industry discussions engage audiences more effectively.

Impact of Global Events on Social Media Engagement

  • Responsive Posting Strategy: LinkedIn economic changes can drastically alter user behavior. Expert insights and timely updates often need quick and flexible posting.
  • Case Studies: Health professionals may change posting times when the economy is down.

How to Schedule Posts on LinkedIn

You can schedule LinkedIn posts using the platform’s native tool or opt for a third-party app like Postwise with more advanced scheduling options. To use the LinkedIn post scheduler:

Create your Post

Tap the "start a post" box at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and enter your text. You can add images and videos, select thumbnails, and tag other users.
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Once you are content with your post’s preview, click the clock icon in the lower-right corner of the editor to access the LinkedIn scheduling tool. You can find it next to the "Post" option.
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Set Date and Time

Select the date and time you want your post to go live. You can find this option in the dropdown menu. Instead of the preset 30-minute increments, you can enter an exact time. Yet, you must manually adjust the settings to share your posts with other time zones.
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Click next and return to your post. Now you can review your content and hit the schedule post button.

Leveraging Postwise to Schedule LinkedIn Posts in Your Prime Time

Find the best time to post on LinkedIn in 2024 to maximize engagement. Postwise, your LinkedIn Ghostwriter is a crucial ally in creating engaging copy and reaching the audience at the right time.
Use LinkedIn to pinpoint and capitalize on your prime posting times. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively use Postwise for optimal LinkedIn engagement.

Write Your Post

You can draft your post in the editor or the AI writer. You can also bulk-write and edit your LinkedIn content from the same pop-up. To post a LinkedIn carousel, simply drag and drop it to the post creator:
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Postwise has multiple scheduling options. You can select from randomized post times or a prescheduled timeline. The highlight is from the content queue. You can easily reschedule or edit all your content, even if it is already added to the calendar.
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LinkedIn posting times vary based on audience demographics, industry trends, and global events. Weekdays are busiest during lunchtime and early evenings, while weekends are more relaxed.
Global events and industry trends also influence engagement. Tools like Postwise are essential for efficient scheduling and using these insights.
Adapting your LinkedIn content to these times will increase engagement and networking success. To optimize your LinkedIn engagement in 2024, sign up for a free Postwise trial now.

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of Postwise.ai