How to Plan 30 Days of Twitter Content in 2 Hours?

How to Plan 30 Days of Twitter Content in 2 Hours?
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Everyone always claims consistency on Twitter is the ultimate growth hack. You need to show up, engage with people from your niche, and deliver insightful content every single day.
Easier said than done, right? There are days when your head can’t even come up with one original content piece, let alone multiple ones posted throughout the day.
So, you spend your mornings frustrated. Again, you won’t have anything to post today, your followers will get disappointed, and your business will suffer.
There’s a way out of this, though. With a simple content creation system, you’ll be able to sit for 2 hours every week and craft content for a whole month, not just for tomorrow.
In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to do it and what tools to use for maximum efficiency of the process (without sacrificing quality).

Laying the Foundations for Good Content

Before you jump into writing your content, we need to set a proper workflow for your success. Let’s go through the vital elements of a successful content strategy for Twitter:

Identifying and Understanding Your Target Audience

For a strong Twitter (now called 𝕏) content strategy, you must understand who you’re talking to.
It lets you uncover your readers’ specific needs and goals and craft relatable content.
The easiest way to make this happen is… talking to your audience.
Twitter gives you an amazing opportunity to connect with both small and massive accounts in your niche almost instantly.
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Participate in conversations with your target audience regularly. You can do it either by engaging with their comments under your posts or by going to the most popular creators in your niche. See what people want to know about your niche and answer their needs in your own content:
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You may also spark conversations using native tools 𝕏 provides, like polls or DMs. Ask your 𝕏 community a question or invite them to reach out to you if they’re facing a problem you can help them solve:
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Listen attentively to your target audience’s voice to uncover their pain points, goals, and favorite content formats. Store this information in one easily accessible place and revisit it regularly. You’ll quickly realize you don’t have to search for new content ideas constantly.
After you’ve discovered a solid portion of audience insights, time for self-reflection:
Crafting Clear Objectives for Your Content Strategy
Once you’ve identified your audience, the next step is setting clear objectives for your content strategy.
Whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, or community engagement, defining specific, measurable, and achievable goals is the compass that ensures your marketing efforts are impactful.
Your objectives can come in the form of:
  • Building trust with your audience
  • Educating audience
  • Growing traffic
  • Increasing leads & sales
  • Retaining customers
  • Building brand loyalty
For each goal, you should define specific content formats and themes you’ll be using on 𝕏. Here’s an example of formats corresponding with specific goals:
Trust building
  • Customer testimonials
  • Success stories
  • Tweets highlighting your knowledge or expertise
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  • Deep-diving thread on 1 specific topic from your niche
  • A short tweet with a quick tip solving a burning problem for your audience
  • Vertical, short-form video about a topic
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Building brand loyalty
  • Creating a giveaway
  • Organizing a Q&A space about your area of expertise
  • Showing examples of how your advice helped other people on Twitter
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Understanding these indicators will empower you to measure, analyse, and refine your content strategy.

Research and Analysis

We have briefly touched on the importance of competitor analysis in identifying the target audience. This section will discuss it and other research and analysis methods in more detail.
In the digital content landscape, knowledge is your anchor. Through competitor analysis, you can stay updated on industry trends, gain insights into audience preferences, identify content gaps, and seize opportunities to boost your overall content strategy.
Let’s discover how competitors' content analysis can help your content strategy.

Decoding the Secrets of Competitor Content

By dissecting the content strategies of your rivals, you learn about their successes and pitfalls. By analyzing competitors' content, you can achieve strategic content growth.
How to Do Competitor Content Analysis Step-By-Step
Identifying Competition
Identifying the competition that matters is the most important thing. First, look for businesses that offer similar products or solutions to a similar market. These will be your direct competitors. Next up, you will have to focus on businesses that offer similar services but in a different way. These will be your indirect competitors.
For example, Zoom and Microsoft Teams are direct competitors since they offer similar services to a similar audience. On the other hand, Uber and public transport are indirect competitors - as they offer similar services but their methods are different.
Competitors Content Analysis and Audit
For analysis, you can look into various things, such as:
  • Keywords: Analyse their content to find out the keywords that are working well for them.
  • Content Categories: Look at your competitor's website/blog and social media to identify their primary content strategy. Try to find out about what main topics do they cover and how they divide those into sub-categories.
  • Type of content: Find out what your competitor is creating. For example, blog posts, white paper, infographics, video content, newsletters, or webinars. You should also check which social media platform they are most active on.
  • Publishing frequency: Find out how many days a week they are pushing out new content. What time of the day is working best? Are they repurposing content?
  • Audit/Evaluate content quality: Your competitors might be certain things wrong, and this is your chance to beat them. Find out how accurate their content is, is the content readable, types of imagery they use, the tone, and whatnot.
The following are some benefits of researching competitors’ content:
  • Relevance: By analysing competitors, you learn about content that resonates with your shared audience. This allows you to create relevant content that addresses your target audience's interests and preferences.
  • Engagement: Learning from competitors' successes and pitfalls helps you fine-tune your content strategy to boost engagement. By identifying what works well, you can adapt similar tactics and formats for better interactions with your Twitter audience.
  • Trend Alignment: Staying updated with industry trends ensures your content remains in sync with the latest developments. This alignment enhances your Twitter strategy, keeping it dynamic and responsive.

Content Ideation and Planning

From effective brainstorming techniques to organising these ideas into a strategic plan, every step has a role to play in creating content that works. Learn how to captivate your audience while aligning with your content strategy. Successful content ideation and planning are vital for taking your brand's narrative to new heights.
Many brainstorming techniques foster creativity and innovation for content planning. Here are some popular methods:
  • Traditional Brainstorming: A classic approach where a group generates ideas spontaneously without judgment. All ideas are welcomed and explored.
  • Mind Mapping: Create a visual representation of ideas by starting with a central concept and branching into related topics. It helps organize thoughts and identify connections.
  • Reverse Brainstorming: Instead of generating ideas, focus on identifying problems or challenges related to your content. Then, find solutions or ideas to address those issues.
  • Rolestorming: Put yourself in someone else's shoes, like your audience or a famous personality, to generate fresh perspectives and ideas.
  • Nominal Group Technique (NGT): A structured method where team members individually generate ideas compiled and discussed as a group.
  • The 5 Whys: Ask "why" to dig deeper into a problem or topic, revealing underlying issues and inspiring creative solutions.
P.S. Bubbl and LucidChart are some great tools for brainstorming ideas, especially for solo creators.

Utilizing Postwise's Inspiration Tab for Content Ideation

Postwise's Inspiration Tab is a valuable tool for content creators seeking fresh ideas and inspiration. This tab highlights trending topics and popular discussions on social media platforms. To generate high-performing content, you must analyze the content examples showcased in the inspiration tab. Identify patterns, formats, and styles that resonate with your audience.
Postwise’s AI writer will give numerous ideas that you can use as is or for inspiration to create more Tweets.
Postwise’s AI model learns your writing style and voice. With PW Ghostwriter, the tool will learn from your writing style and create stellar, human-hounding tweets - ready for you to approve.
Another approach is to create an editorial calendar. This strategic tool helps plan, organize, and schedule your content. It serves as a roadmap, outlining the types of content to be created, the publishing schedule, and the platforms where it will be shared.
This planning tool helps maintain consistency, align content with business goals, and streamline the content creation process.

Execution and Optimization

Next is the intricate process of executing a content strategy focusing on optimization. Understand the sequential steps in creating, publishing, and optimizing content to maximize its impact. This is where content is fine-tuned according to SEO best practices and other effective techniques.

SEO Optimization for Boosting Content Strategy

Here's how SEO optimization can significantly enhance and elevate your content strategy:
  • Enhanced Visibility: SEO optimization makes your content more discoverable by search engines. This increased visibility makes your content more visible to a wider audience, driving organic traffic to your platform.
  • Targeted Traffic: SEO helps attract users actively searching for content related to your niche, making engagement and conversions easier.
  • Credibility: Websites that appear higher in search engine results are perceived as more credible and trustworthy.
  • User Experience: SEO practices, such as optimizing mobile responsiveness and page speed, can enhance the overall user experience.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Analyzing user behavior, preferences, and trends allows you to refine your content strategy, creating material that’s relevant for your audience and aligns with their search intent.

How Twitter SEO Boosts Brand’s Visibility and Why Creators Should Take it Seriously

By keeping these best SEO practices for Twitter in mind, you can take your brand’s visibility to the next level.
  • Keywords in profile: Once you have your keywords, you should put them in your bio, display name (if possible), and your tweets. Take a look at how Zoom is doing it.
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  • Relevant topics: Talk about relevant topics on Twitter. For example, Zoom talks about team management, communications, working from home, etc. Anyone searching for these topics will likely come across Zoom’s content.
  • Hashtags: Use hashtags to make your content more reachable to your target audience. Here are some best practices for hashtags recommended by Twitter.
  • Alt text: to make your images inclusive to all users, make sure to add alt text.

Performance Analysis

Embark on a journey through the crucial process of performance analysis in the execution and optimization of your content strategy. Performance analysis makes execution and optimization of your content strategy easier.
You can make use of Twitter built-in Analytics dashboard to analyse your content performance. By default, your dashboard is off. To turn it on, you need to click “More” > “Creator Studio” > “Analytics” and then click “Turn it On.”
On the dashboard you will have access to valuable insights like,
  • Top Tweet (by number of impressions)
  • Top mention (by engagements)
  • Top media Tweet (ones that include an image or video)
  • Top follower (the person with the most followers who started following you in the current month)
The information above can be used to identify weak links in your current content strategy and adjust accordingly.
Next up, we are going to show you how Postwise can help with your content strategy by planning and scheduling 30 days of content in a couple of hours.

Setting Up for Your Niche

When you sign in to Postwise, you will see a few options on the left. Click on “AI Writer” to select your niche.
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In the search box, type in your niche or any other keyword relevant to your content strategy and click Create. In our example, we have selected “affiliate marketing” as our niche.
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On the next page, you will see a list of Tweets. You can post them as is or edit them with a simple click. You can also schedule posts for later or publish them in real-time.
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Planning 30 Days of Twitter Content

Planning and scheduling your Twitter/X content ensures that your Tweets go out when your audience is most active. This increases the likelihood of them engaging with your content. Scheduling your Twitter content also ensures you don’t always have to be online.
Postwise makes Twitter planning and scheduling 30 days of content easy. Follow the steps below:
  • Click on “My Content” and then “Postwise AI.”
  • You will see a list of content generated by Postwise on your right.
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  • By clicking on Tweets, you can edit them as you see fit.
By default, there are no hashtags. You can add them by editing the post. See how we have added a few relevant hashtags to the content.
Here, you can also add an image to the Tweet.
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  • The next step is to schedule the posts. Click the down-facing arrow next to Schedule and select “Schedule for date.” If you wish to publish this Tweet immediately, click “Post now.”
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Before scheduling Tweets, we will select the time and days for our content. To do this, click “Queue” in the left panel.
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  • Postwise has a default schedule (time and date) for your content. You can add more days, Tweets and change timings from the menu at the top right.
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  • By clicking “Edit Schedule,” you can add more days, change the time of your Tweets, select a timezone, and save your settings.
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  • Go back to “My Content” and then “Postwise AI.” Next, select your Tweets and then click Schedule. Your tweets will be scheduled per your preferences in the “Queue” section.
  • Your tweets are all set to go out in the Queue section now.
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You can continue scheduling posts for 30 days (or even more) this way.
In under 2 hours, you can easily plan and schedule your content on Twitter for 30 days.

Analyzing and Adjusting Your Content Strategy

Analyzing and adjusting your content strategy is crucial to enhance its effectiveness. Review scheduled content performance and leverage's capabilities for informed decision-making.
Analyzing Engagement Metrics: Unlocking the Power of
Once your content starts going out, you should keep an eye on its performance. One way to do that is to measure the engagement level - the likes, reposts, and comments. If the number is good, you may not change anything.
However, if you think you need more engagement and your content is not creating enough traction - you can:
  • Revisit AI Writer from your Postwise dashboard and adjust content preference. For example, if you added “affiliate marketing” before, you can now try something like “affiliate marketing for small businesses.” or “how to use AI in affiliate marketing.”
  • Change the schedule of your posts. Try to push out the best content at a time when your audience is most active.
The key is to adjust content preferences within Postwise to positively impact your content strategy.


Crafting a content strategy that is in line with your business goals is crucial to your overall marketing efforts. From defining your target audience to content planning, execution, and optimization - each step should be carefully worked out.
Often, it is easier said than done for businesses. And this is where Postwise comes in handy. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with AI-driven insights and customization options, ensures that planning a month's worth of Twitter content is not only achievable but a streamlined and efficient process.
You can try Postwise for free and pay only when convinced of its superpowers.

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Join 11,248 other Twitter geniuses now!

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of

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