12 Best AI LinkedIn Post Generators in 2024: The Ultimate Comparison

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12 Best AI LinkedIn Post Generators in 2024: The Ultimate Comparison
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The power and convenience of LinkedIn AI content generators, like ChatGPT, has become celebrated around the world. But is this surge in popularity a double-edged sword?
Sure, it’s easier than ever to generate content, but many people worry about the originality of the AI outputs and the lack of a natural, human tone.
Fortunately, there are other tools that are capable of generating LinkedIn content and implementing social media marketing strategies.
What’s more, these tools have evolved to offer special features. For example, in addition to writing content, the newest companies can also schedule the content and automate tasks like responding to comments and questions, inserting a plug on successful posts, and provide inspiration and outlines for new posts.
This article will outline the top 12 LinkedIn schedulers and provide some basic information on their features, pros and cons, and pricing. Then we’ll take a closer look at two of the most effective and discuss common mistakes.

Top 12 LinkedIn Schedulers in 2024


Because Postwise AI focuses on LinkedIn and Twitter content generation, users can use the technology to “Go viral, seriously.”
The Postwise AI is custom-made based on the strategies of the most successful content creators on social media, such as:
  • Justin Welsh (467,382 followers)
  • Naval (2.2M followers)
  • Sahil Bloom (370,624 followers)
Their GrowthTools suite, for example, can help you to gain followers with very little effort. The tools include:
  • Auto-Plug: After customizing the number of likes a post would need to have received to be considered trending, you can set Postwise to automatically insert a tweet to plug anything you wish. For example, you can insert a link to your newsletter, SoundCloud page, personal website, etc.
  • Inspiration Library: Although you may already have come up with some ideas of your own, the well of inspiration can run dry for anyone after long enough. The Inspiration Library includes successful posts, sortable by topic, that you can use as models for creating your own posts.
  • Auto Retweet: Most users know that sometimes it’s a matter of luck that someone reads your tweet or LinkedIn post depending on the time that they open up their app. This feature takes luck out of the equation by automatically retweeting your posts after 1, 6, and 24 hours. These repeated posts are deleted to make sure your profile does not appear too cluttered.
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Postwise’s pricing starts at $37/month for the basic plan. This includes six months of scheduling on up to five accounts.
Additionally, the basic plan includes 400 AI Tweets and the ability to use the entire suite of GrowthTools. Get started today with a free trial!


Like Postwise, Taplio’s service focuses on content generation. Taplio, though, focuses entirely on LinkedIn.
If your brand wants to share content across multiple social media platforms, Taplio may not be the best choice. You would need to combine Taplio with other tools.
Taplio AI uses ChatGPT-4 technology to generate posts. This is paired with unique features such as a full suite of metrics and analytics.
Although ChatGPT-4 is the latest AI engine available from ChatGPT, its widespread popularity can result in content that may not feel original.
The basic plan starts at $39/month and includes content inspiration, scheduling, and analytics. For more advanced features, such as AI-powered content generation, a more expensive plan is necessary.


Buffer also offers several excellent tools for social media content generation. Its engagement tools, for example, allow users to quickly view and respond to the most important comments on their posts.
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One unique selling point for Buffer is the ability to post across almost all social media platforms. Buffer currently supports the following social media channels: Facebook, Google Business, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Pinterest, Shopify, TikTok, Twitter, and Youtube.
The “Essentials” plan costs $6/month for one channel and places limitations on the numbers of users and clients. While this price may seem much less than the competitors listed above, it may take several add-ons to build up to the functionality of Postwise or Taplio.


Jasper offers content generation using a highly customizable and creative brand tone of voice. Users can select from options like Cheeky, Formal, Bold, and Pirate.
Jasper stands out from competitors by specializing in translation. The AI can automatically translate your posts to over thirty different languages.
Another interesting feature Jasper provides is art generation. Using AI technology, Jasper can create custom images to add visual interest to your content.
Although Jasper offers many exciting features, its LinkedIn Post Generator may sometimes be less than ideal. This is because Jasper uses a template model--to create a post you simply answer a series of questions (Problem, Solution, Intended Audience, etc) and the GPT-powered AI produces a post.
This can result in formulaic writing that lacks the natural, human tone of LinkedIn AI generators like Postwise.
Jasper’s pricing starts at $39/month, which includes support for one brand voice. To move between different voices, you must upgrade to the “Teams” plan ($99/month).


In addition to post generation, Copy.ai offers the ability to generate writing for many different marketing situations. For example, Copy.ai can generate long-form articles, product descriptions, ad/sales copy, and content briefs.
Although the AI can technically write posts of any length, it does not perform as well with the shorter posts that are often used on LinkedIn. These shorter posts often follow the same pattern and may be passed over by readers.
Like Jasper, Copy.ai offers support for writing across different languages. According to their website, they support over 95 different languages.
Copy.ai does not offer as many pricing options as some of their competitors. Their main “Pro” plan costs $49/month, but it includes an unlimited number of words generated per month as well as Unlimited Brand Voices.
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As its name suggests, Rytr offers a virtual writing assistant to help with tasks such as writing emails and generating website content. The tools include an internet browser extension that allows you to generate writing on a variety of platforms.
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As you can see above, Rytr really shines when it comes to longform content. Users have the option of selecting from 20 different tones of voice to ensure the writing captures the exact mood they hoped.
Additionally, all plans come with a built-in plagiarism checker. You can rest easy knowing that your content is both effortless and original.
Unlike some of the other companies listed above, Rytr does not limit the number of languages, tones, and functions. Instead, Rytr scales its pricing based on limits such as number of characters or images generated per month.
For example, on their free plan, you can generate five images and ten thousand characters per month. By upgrading to their Saver plan ($9/month), this number increases to twenty images and one hundred thousand characters per month.
Although the flexibility of the writing tone is an excellent and valuable feature, Rytr AI offers just one interface for using LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. This means that the content may not be customized precisely to meet the expectations of the audience and their environment.


Although Writesonic offers a variety of content generation tools and support for several social media platforms, they specialize in longform writing, like Rytr.
Their full toolset includes AI technology that can write articles, product descriptions, advertisements, YouTube captions, and more. It can shorten or lengthen sentences, answer questions on Quora, and even help to name new products.
One of their most impressive tools summarizes any provided block of text.
Pricing starts at $16/month. Like Taplio, Writesonic uses ChatGPT-4 for writing tasks, so some extra labor or pairing it with other services might be required to achieve an original, natural voice.
Their service can be used for generating LinkedIn content, but the reliance on ChatGPT-4 is a missed opportunity to make the content even more compelling. Users may have to generate several versions of their content and then mix and match to create the right post.


Most are familiar with the basic capabilities of ChatGPT. The software can generate text in response to almost any prompt.
On the other hand, ChatGPT Plus offers the ability to work with ChatGPT-4, an even more advanced version of their AI software.
Unfortunately, the market is already oversaturated with content generated by ChatGPT. So, there’s a likely chance that your content may be similar to your competitors.
With the Plus plan costing $20/month, it might be better to just stick with the basic free plan.


Hootsuite offers a collection of various tools to aid workers in sectors such as government, healthcare, financial services, education, and real estate. Their AI Tool, OwlyWriter, can create captions by simply inputting a description or URL.
Hootsuite offers tools specialized for each social network, including LinkedIn. Like many of the other services, these tools are limited to GPT-powered AI.
One redeeming quality, however, is their “Best Time to Publish” feature. This allows you to more precisely understand when your audience is most likely to see your content on any selected social media platform.
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Although HootSuite offers features similar to those competitors listed above, it costs a lot more. Their basic plan starts at $99/month and provides support for one user.
If you intend to use the software as a team, you’ll have to upgrade to a plan starting at $249/month.


Taskade provides advanced scheduling and task management services to all users with the aid of their AI Generator. Additionally, the generator can create notes, mind maps, and other useful AI functions.
One benefit of choosing Taskade is that it works on almost any device. See below:
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Unlike some of the other services, Taskade does not specialize in content generation on LinkedIn or other platforms. Content generated using this service will often feel basic and machine-generated.
Instead, Taskade really shines in generating custom outlines and checklists for a variety of business and marketing situations. As a result, Taskade is likely best used in tandem with other LinkedIn schedulers.
Taskade’s plans start at $19/month. For this price, the features have monthly limitations. Increasing to a $49 or $99 plan would raise the amount of workspases, users, and storage.

Comparison Between Tools

Several companies offer LinkedIn AI content generation. This section will take a closer look at two of the most innovative: Taplio and Postwise.
Let’s start with Taplio.
Taplio, one of the top LinkedIn AI post generators, starts at $39/month. Although this price might catch your attention, it may not offer as much value as it may seem.
Taplio’s limited functionality may end up costing you more in time. For example, the basic plan does not include all of its AI-powered features.
The basic plan covers content inspiration, scheduling LinkedIn posts, and analytics. For more advanced functions, you must upgrade to a much more expensive plan.
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Taplio’s least expensive plan, which includes LinkedIn AI, costs $55/month. If you want unlimited content generation, the price increases to $149/month.
Unfortunately, both plans make use of GPT-4 generated content. This content often lacks originality and is available through ChatGPT Plus.
Why spend money on something available through other means?
Postwise pricing starts at $37/month with more functionality even in the basic plan.  Like Taplio, the plan includes the LinkedIn scheduling tool and a tool for content inspiration. It also offers social media management tools and the ability to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts.
Additionally, this basic plan comes with 400 LinkedIn AI tweet credits.
What’s more, Postwise was developed by analyzing thousands of the most successful Twitter accounts. Other companies, like Taplio, rely on GPT-3 or GPT-4 for LinkedIn AI content generation. This allows the AI to generate a more natural, original voice.
For example, you can use Postwise to make your text more vivid, exciting, and yet easy to read. See this example of a post about the use of poetry for developing business writing skills:
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Postwise accelerates your growth using many proven strategies. For example, when a post is successful, Postwise will help you to plug and retweet it.
Postwise offers a free trial — sign up to receive your initial 120 Postwise AI credits today!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using LinkedIn Tools

It can be easy to use these services to generate content. Almost too easy.
A common mistake users make is relying on the AI to do all of the work. Adding a personal touch to content can really take the writing to the next level.
Another common mistake is not considering how your posts are actually doing. Reviewing and analyzing the performance metrics can help you understand how to adjust your social media strategy and increase the chances of success.

Final Thoughts

There’s so much to consider when selecting the ideal service for automated social media management tools:
  • Will the content you’ve generated be powered by more formulaic AI generators like ChatGPT-4, or will it be able to produce a more natural, human tone?
  • Will you be writing for an English-speaking audience, or do you require automated translation services?
  • Do you need additional tools for growing your followers and creating higher engagement with your brand?
As this article has shown, there are many different options to consider, so it may be best to try out one or two before you sign up for a paid membership.
For example, Postwise offers a free trial with 120 Postwise AI credits. Test it out today with no risk!

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of Postwise.ai

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