How to Get Over Writer’s Block [6 Tools Included]

How to get over writer's block and get your creative juices flowing again? We break down the science behind writer’s block and show you 6 tools to fight it.

How to Get Over Writer’s Block [6 Tools Included]
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Have you ever found yourself gazing at your computer screen for hours, trying to write but unable to put your thoughts into words?
You are not alone, as every writer, from journalists to freelancers, struggles with writer’s block at some point. Being a full-time writer is demanding. You have to produce quantity without compromising quality through in-depth research.
But how to get over writer's block and get your creative juices flowing again? The first step is acknowledging that writer's block is not an ending to creativity but merely a barrier.
All you need is a jump-start, and AI tools are an excellent resource to help accomplish that. AI promises to enhance the creative process by suggesting fresh ideas and taking charge of critical data analysis.
Here's everything you need to know about writer's block and how to use AI to escape it.

Understanding Writer’s Block

So, what is writer’s block? Writer’s block usually manifests itself as the inability to write, despite a desire to do so. An overwhelming, "stuck" feeling is the best way to describe the mysterious phenomenon. In a nutshell, writer’s block prevents you from getting into a writing flow.
All writers want to write. Perhaps because it's the only way to meet ends. Regardless of the motivator, when you experience writer’s block, nothing seems to put pen to paper. Distractions, worries, and questions plague your mind.
This is the worst and most frustrating experience a writer can have. No matter how it manifests, what primarily defines writer’s block is helplessness. You desperately want to fix the problem and find a way out but don’t know how to stop intrusive thoughts.
If you ask, "What causes writer's block?" the causes lie in the uncertain, experimental, and creative nature of writing.

Common Causes of Writer’s Block

Some blocks originate from psychological barriers.


A continuous cycle of work leaves you exhausted. Countless psychologists suggest that “burnout is not just a state of mind, but a condition that leaves its mark on the brain as well as body.” It is characterised by impaired cognitive skills, chronic stress and social functioning. Thus, crafting exciting, unique ideas becomes challenging.


We live in a digital age where we constantly access and consume information through social media. Flooding our minds with useless or potentially harmful data is a top distractor.
Leading Stanford neurologist Dr. Andrew Huberman states:
“Social media as initially being very dopaminergic, driving reward, surprise, and excitement, but very quickly transitioning to something more like OCD. The kinds of behaviors resemble an experiment if we were to look at ourselves through that lens.”
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Social psychologist Heidi Grant concludes that "the relationship between stress and creativity is complex, as stress can either enhance or hinder creative expression depending on an individual's coping strategies and mindset."
Simply put, stress can be motivational to a certain extent. But too much stress and anxiety can loom over you and consume energy. Sometimes we don't recognize when we tap into flight or fight mode because it's an emotional response.

High Expectations

This is a common mistake amateur writers make. Perfectionism and comparisons are why many writers stop writing their drafts midway. The more pressure you put on yourself, the more hesitant you feel.
Hungarian psycholigst Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi sums up this idea by suggesting:
Excessive expectations can narrow one's focus and limit the exploration of unconventional paths, stifling the potential for creative breakthroughs.”

Fear of Rejection

Fear takes on many faces - it can look like worrying about people not reading or liking your work. Other times, it can manifest as wondering if readers take you seriously.
NYU Neuroscientist, Dr. Suzuki, summarizes that the fear-processing area of your brain also is connected to other areas of your body that make your heart beat faster, make you sweat, and raise the feeling of anxiety.

External Causes of Writer’s Block

Other blocks are external. These include going around in circles, figuring out what and how to write, lack of resources or inspiration, and rejections or disagreements.
The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology concluded that a lack of inspiration and resources leads to demotivation and disorientation. No matter how hard you try, finding a unique way to explore a topic becomes challenging. But as author Jack London says, “You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
The secret behind how to get over writer’s block revolves around a productive writing mentality without prescriptive judgments and inhibition.

The Impact of Writer’s Block

Writer's block affects everyone differently - the common ground is how it is an enemy of innovation and productivity.
When discussing what is writer's block, the primary consideration should be how it dams the flow of creativity. A writer experiencing a block might struggle to express themselves and generate new, original thoughts. They might feel confined.
As a neurologist and author, Alice Flaherty observes in her book The Midnight Disease,
“Why is suffering a major criterion for writer's block? Because someone who is not writing but not suffering does not have writer's block.”
Thus, these emotions surface as irritation, anger, and insufficient drive, further impairing your creativity.
Writer's block also disrupts the writing routine, decreasing efficiency and productivity. An affected writer might flounder to maintain their work schedules and meet deadlines.
The obligation and pressure to produce creative, high-quality content intensifies stress and anxiety. This results in a vicious cycle that worsens the situation rather than suggesting how to get over writer’s block.
A counter-productive workflow erodes self-confidence and increases doubt. Consistently struggling to determine what causes writer's block leaves writers doubting their abilities. This negative mindset blocks the momentum needed for insightful, compelling writing.

Real-Life Examples

As mentioned earlier, writer's block can happen to anyone anytime. Even famous authors like J. K. Rowling and Stephen King have fallen victim and conquered it. Here are some fascinating facts about your favorite novelists who became blocked in their writing

J. K. Rowling

It isn't easy to imagine a world where the viral Harry Potter series never reaches its final chapter. But celebrated author J. K. Rowling struggled with self-doubt and pressure while working on "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.".
The author shared how immense pressure and self-doubt left her feeling creatively trapped. She said:
“There were times when I had writer's block so bad that I thought I should be certified insane.”

Leo Tolstoy

Literary giant Leo Tolstoy once said, "it's a terrible thing, writing block. It means the desk is empty and the white paper blinding.” Despite authoring classics like “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina,” the writer faced writer’s block at various times in his career.
Tolstoy also struggled with an existential crisis and a lack of self-confidence, leading to prolonged procrastination and inactivity.

Stephen King

To date, Stephen King holds the title for the No. 1 best-sellers, including "The Shawshank Redemption," "It," and "The Shining."  But did you know that despite his many successes and movie adaptations, the acclaimed King of Horror has also confronted writer's block?
Stephen King had openly spoken about periods when he lacked the inspiration to develop new story ideas. He suggests:
"The problem is that some writers have the block; other writers have the wall."

Traditional Methods to Overcome Writer’s Block

How to get over writer’s block without using external tools or software? The answer lies in psychology and training your brain. Here are a few proven strategies that cure writer’s block


Brainstorming is an effective way to let your thoughts flow freely. The aim is to generate and develop as many ideas as possible without refining them.
You can start with making a list of potential topics, suggestions, outlines, or research sources. On the other hand, if you’re already in the middle of a project, try challenging yourself to come up with fresh or alternative perspectives.
Then, you can narrow down your list of potential ideas and select those that align with your needs. Nevertheless, brainstorming is a creative catalyst, even if you find nothing useful. The trick is to avoid getting caught up in perfectionism.

Change Your Environment

Sometimes, all you need is a change of scenery to reignite your momentum. Our environment influences how we think and feel more than we acknowledge. Each environment offers different distractions that directly affect focus.
Even if you've crafted the "perfect" writing space, introducing some variety might be helpful. Inspirational environments surrounded by ideas are the best place to start. Museums rich with historical artifacts, libraries with infinite shelves of literature, or cafes with streams of intriguing people (and coffee) are all great choices. Even a spot in your backyard might be all it takes to unblock your writing skills.

Take a Break

When words refuse to flow, taking a long break might be tempting. But that could make things worse and divert you from your writing entirely. Take regular short breaks - under 20 minutes - to do something unrelated to writing.
Listen to music, walk, or talk to a friend. This will help refresh your mind and perspectives when you return to writing.
On the other hand, if short breaks are ineffective or your writer’s block feels more permanent, it’s okay to take an extended break. Occupy your time with other creative activities like watching a movie, preparing your favorite meal, or playing an instrument.
Neurologists Dr. David Eagleman explains that “When we engage in creative pastimes, we activate the brain's visual processing areas, fostering the ability to imagine and visualize new possibilities.”

Use Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a visual method to organize information. It’s helpful for brainstorming, planning, or tracking projects. A mind map begins with a primary idea surrounded by connected ideas and details. The outcome is a web illustrating the connections between various elements.
Mind maps are a significant writer's block cure because they provide visualization. University of California research proposes that visualization activates problem-soliving, productivity and creative thinking by focusing on the bigger picture.   If you feel stuck or disorganized, you can try using a free mind-mapping software like MindMeister.

Create a Schedule

Creating a timetable or calendar is one of the best ways to tackle writer’s block. You can teach your mind to be more creative by designating specific times for your writing projects.
A solid schedule helps you stay accountable by monitoring your writing progress. You can check in on your progress by dividing large writing goals into clear milestones or checkpoints.
Regularly log the time you spend on each task and update your schedule as you complete each task. This gives you a real-time view of progress to identify when you fall behind.
If you have trouble sticking to an extensive schedule, set smaller goals like writing for 30 minutes daily.
Above all, set deadlines. These provide you with a necessary creative push to stay on track. And remember to remain flexible. On tough days, it's okay to pause and reschedule your writing time. The priority is to keep moving forward persistently!

Introduction to AI in Writing

Blank pages can overwhelm even the best writers. Even if you only require a pen and paper to begin writing, experimenting with AI writing resources can combat writer's block. These programs are constantly evolving, learning, and improving over time. Simply put, AI handles the "get words on the page" aspect, allowing you to regain flow.
AI writing tools are a powerful writer's block cure. They leverage algorithms and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to craft ideas, organize thoughts and provide tips on improving writing. Writers can find inspiration, generate outlines, and structure articles based on keyword input., this mitigates uncertainty related to writer's block, stimulates your mind, and breaks through creative barriers.

AI Writing Tools: An Overview

AI Tool
Best For
Postwise is an AI platform engineered to generate compelling Twitter content. It features an AI writer, Inspiration library, and GhostWriter to supercharge your creativity.
Content Creators, Digital Marketers, Influencers, and Copywriters.
Hubspot AI
HubSpot’s Content Assistant tool brainstorms and generates tailored content suggestions. It can even write entire posts based on your prompts.
Bloggers, Digital and Email Marketers, UX Writers and Copywriters.
Grammarly AI
Grammarly's AI features go beyond checking content. You can now use its intuitive platform for grammar, syntax, word choice, and suggestions. GrammarlyGO, its GPT-3 powered AI, includes prompt-based outlines and brainstorming.
Writers and Editors of all genres.
Wordtube is an excellent add-on to your AI tool stack. It analyzes your copy to recommend spelling, grammar, and tone corrections to improve quality.
Writers and Editors of all genres.
ChatGPT4 is a writing assistant that broadens research prospects. This AI tool can generate content for critical thinking and analysis input.
Long-form content writers.
LongShot AI
LongShot AI’s powerful fact-checker ensures writing accuracy by identifying potential inaccuracies and errors. It ensures writers don’t miss crucial details or struggle to find relevant information.
Students, content writers, bloggers, journalists, and marketing professionals.
Benefits of Using AI to Combat Writer’s Block
AI offers numerous advantages for writers. Most prominently, its various features address how to get over writer’s block. Here are a few benefits worth considering when adding AI to your toolkit.
  • Inspiration: The hardest part about writing is finding and developing inspiration. AI tools help writers generate new ideas like titles, topics, and outlines to elaborate on concepts.
  • Creation: AI tools facilitate faster writing processes and production. This feature helps you focus without burning out when working with multiple clients and deadlines.
  • Research: Integral to writing but time-consuming. AI tools can instantly find facts, figures, and other supporting data to add to your content.

Exploring AI-Powered Brainstorming

AI platforms like Postwise and Hubspot have become powerful tools for brainstorming. Through large-scale data analysis and evaluation, these tools have the potential to revolutionize creative work. AI also enhances creative processes by crafting and organizing information to unlock new possibilities.
By leveraging Machine Learning (ML) and NLP algorithms, AI provides insight into patterns, trends, and connection identification. This data-driven brainstorming approach provides a wealth of information that humans might overlook.
AI-powered tools enable collaborative brainstorming dynamics. This means users can share ideas, visualize and interact in real-time to foster an inclusive environment.
AI also organizes and structures ideas based on themes and relevance. They analyze data to extract and categorize meaningful information in connection to your input prompt topic.

Postwise AI

Give Postwise a Try
Give Postwise a Try
If you were thinking about how to get over writer’s block on Twitter, Postwise AI is a must-have for your tool stack.
The AI interface uses an algorithm that analyzes your past Tweets to suggest ideas that might perform the best. You can brainstorm effectively using dynamic content suggestions that align with your interest topics.
Postwise AI relies on NLP to identify trends and keywords from your past Tweets. You can use this data to create insightful mind maps for future content.
Instead of wasting countless hours looking through relevant feeds, you can use the platform for research and inspiration. Postwise’s Inspiration Library is an excellent resource for finding viral Tweets related to your niche.
You can also use the platform to identify and retweet top-performing content. This boosts profile exposure by sharing your content to a wider audience.
The tool’s GhostWriter and AI writer take over your writing process. They create snappy, compelling tweets and threads tailored to your criteria. All you have to do is enter your tweet topic, and the AI will generate multiple tweet variations for you to choose from.

HubSpot Content Assistant

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HubSpot Content Assistant is a popular marketing and sales software that enhances content creation and brainstorming.
It analyzes existing content from your website, social media, and other sources to identify gaps in your strategy. Then, it refers to user behavior and other engagement metrics to offer actionable insights for brainstorming.
By automating repetitive tasks, teams can focus on letting their flair shine through innovation and development. HubSpot AI also boosts creative insight by understanding what content resonates with audiences.

AI as a Writing Coach

AI tools can act as a virtual writing partner, suggesting ideas to improve content quality. These tools generate suggestions, alternative phrases, sentence structures, and check tones. They also propose examples to inspire writers and further their understanding.
AI can offer objective grammar, syntax, style, and coherence evaluations. It provides real-time feedback on writing quality which is crucial for doubtful writers. If you are struggling with self-editing, an AI writing tool can point out areas for improvement so you regain confidence.
AI resources can enhance or adjust your writing tone and style for engagement depending on your audience preferences. AI can tailor your writing to meet your requirements, whether you want a formal tone or informal language.


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Grammarly offers a range of features to improve your writing quality and clarity. However, its new generative AI tool helps you break through writer’s block.
When stuck in writer’s block, worrying about grammar and spelling errors makes it even more challenging to get your ideas flowing. Grammarly provides real-time grammar and spelling checks, highlighting errors and suggesting improvements.
Writer’s block can also stem from a struggle to form coherent sentences and express ideas clearly. Grammarly’s advanced writing feedback evaluates coherency. It considers sentence structure, readability, and vocabulary. The AI identifies wordy or repetitive phrases, ambiguous sentences, and inconsistencies.
The platform’s new GPT-3 powered generative AI, GrammarlyGO, is an excellent creativity support. It helps break through creative blocks by brainstorming ideas and outlining content based on prompts.


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Wordtune functions as a rewriting or rephrasing tool
It offers suggestions to enhance clarity and conciseness by analyzing context and structure. Then, it generates alternatives to help express your ideas clearly. This is a great way to explore new perspectives on how to articulate your message during a mental block.
Writing can feel like a frustrating and daunting task during writer’s block. WordTune offers tone and intent guidance. It polishes your content by adapting your writing style. When content matches your purpose and audience, it’s easier to build upon and develop further.
Whether you want to sound professional or persuasive, WordTune AI provides expert recommendations. It makes writing more impactful by avoiding chichés, awkward phrasing, and complex language.

AI for Research and Fact-Checking

AI tools like ChatGPT explore information from various sources instantly. Instead of spending hours on manual research, users can harness the power of such AI tools to retrieve accurate, concise, and up-to-date information instantly.
As a supplement to research materials, AI platforms provide quick access to reliable sources. You can use this to verify claims against existing information to speed up the research process. AI tools can verify statistics, quotes, historical events, and other facts to guarantee credibility.
The multitude of available sources stimulates creative thinking by providing prompts. Through interaction with AI tools, users can find trustworthy information and multiple angles to broaden their creative horizons.


GPT-4 uses an advanced language module for fact-checking and in-depth research. Its extensive, diverse machine training provides insightful responses and information on various topics.
Writers can access multiple sources through GPT-4 platform-generated summaries and references. ChatGPT can also verify your claims against reputable online sources. This is an excellent feature to enhance your content’s credibility with supporting, expert evidence.
Research also forms the basis of inspiration and refreshes your mindset when you feel stuck. You can use it to create visual representations of ideas like a mind map.
The tool offers generative writing, creative suggestions, and adaptive support to aid writers in overcoming writer's block. For instance, you can prompt the AI to create catchphrases and captions or suggest ideas for your next writing project.
ChatGPT-4 helps you strategize writing with its customized aids. Its AI offers immediate feedback, tips, and tactics to boost momentum in your thought process.

LongShot AI

LongShot AI comes is based on advanced language algorithms.
Its powerful AI-powered Fact-Checker thoroughly scans content to ensure all your information is credible, up-to-date, and accurate. In addition to verifying facts, this feature addresses doubts and uncertainties that contribute to writer’s block.
The generative AI platform also includes research assistance to inspire writers. Gathering data and relevant information helps writers form outlines and creative strategies to improve their writing scope.
LongShot AI also includes a content generator and summarizer. You can input topics or partial paragraphs for fresh ideas that kickstart your writing process. Summarizing inspiration sources identifies key points. This helps writers refine and develop ideas, especially when experiencing initial writer’s block.

Balancing AI Assistance with Human Creativity

AI tools can enhance your work. But computer-generated content can sound robotic. Maintaining your unique writing style and individuality is crucial to foster authentic engagement.
Your writing style reflects your unique personality, perspective, and tone. Writing tools like Postwise’s Ghostwriter uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze your existing content. Then, they use this as the basis to recreate customized, immersive content.
AI should improve your work, not overshadow or replace your distinctive approach. These tools can improve grammar, brainstorming, and other workflow processes. Even so, reviewing and selectively applying recommendations is essential to ensure they match your intention.
The same approach applies to research. AI tools might produce biased or inaccurate information; therefore, you must critically evaluate and fact-check all outputs.
First, to integrate AI into your writing tool stack, clearly define your goals. Determine which writing aspects you require assistance with. Then, choose AI tools that meet those needs and preferences. Experiment with various tools before committing to paid plans.

Criticisms and Limitations of AI in Writing

Current ethical considerations surrounding AI in writing include plagiarism and intellectual property rights. Some AI tools disrespect copyright laws by discrediting original content authors.
Additionally, there is a high risk of biased narratives and misinformation with AI-generated content. It all depends on the training data used when developing these tools. Critical challenges include ensuring inclusivity, accuracy, and fairness. Generative technologies are yet to address these problems.
There are also limitations, like the lack of context and nuanced understanding. AI writing tools struggle with generating individual expressions that human creativity delivers. They can't exercise critical thinking or originality.


Many people have trouble with how to get over writer's block. The key to overcoming this struggle is self-awareness and a shift in perspective. However, these changes take time - a luxury not everyone has with tight deadlines.
AI's transformative powers can handle everything for you, from brainstorming to research. You can rely on platforms like Postwise to maintain quality and creative standards. Sign up for a free trial today to get those words flowing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is writer's block, and how does it impact a writer?
Writer's block slows creativity, eventually hindering the ability to produce written work. It causes the writer's frustration, demotivation, and a lack of freedom of expression.
How can AI help in overcoming writer's block?
AI helps overcome writer's block by suggesting inspiration, ideas, alternative phrasing, and revision processes. This helps writers break through barriers and approach their work with a creative mindset.
Are there any AI tools specifically designed to combat writer's block?
Yes, there are. Look out for AI tools, including writing prompts and ideation algorithms that stimulate and inspire writers.
What are some of the leading AI writing tools in the market?
Leading AI writing tools include Postwise, Grammarly AI, and ChatGPT4, to name a few.
Can AI replace human creativity in writing?
It is improbable that AI can completely replace human creativity. Algorithms can assist with idea generation and suggestions. However, they lack human emotions, experiences, and critical thinking that are difficult to replicate.
How can I maintain my unique writing style while using AI tools?
Writers should provide specific instructions to the AI and meticulously edit suggestions to align content with individual styles. AI platforms such as Postwise use specialized algorithms to identify patterns and generate content that aligns with your writing style.

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of