The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Most Liked Tweet in 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Most Liked Tweet in 2024
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The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Most Liked Tweet in 2024

Times sure have changed since the beginning of Twitter. As of June 12, 2024, X (formerly known as Twitter), succumbed to some pretty drastic changes that affect the world of analytics as we know it.
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“This week we’re making Likes private for everyone to better protect your privacy. — You will still be able to see posts you have liked (but others cannot). — Like count and other metrics for your own posts will still show up under notifications. — You will no longer see who liked someone else’s post. — A post’s author can see who liked its posts.”
Image Credit: Elon Musk X
So what does this mean in the world of analytics? It means we need to spend more time working on our engagement efforts and looking into our retweets, but it doesn’t knock the author out of the loop when it comes to recognizing what posts were liked the most.
This brings me to my next point: Do you ever wonder which of your tweets has been shown the most love? Knowing how to find your most liked tweet isn’t just for fun, it’s something that hones in on some serious power that you can use in your strategy to understand your audience better, refine your content, and truly boost your engagement. In this post, we’re going to take a trip down the rabbit hole into a plethora of methods and tools that are at your disposal in 2024 and can help you swiftly identify your most liked tweets.
This guide is made for the social media managers, the influencers, and those who just really love to tweet. So if you’re ready to amp-up your Twitter game, then stick around, this guide will give you the knowledge you need to find your most liked tweets and so much more. Let’s begin:
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Image Credit: InspireToThrive

Table of Contents


  • Changes on X: Tweet likes are now private and only visible to the post’s author.
  • Importance of Engagement: Focus on engaging with your audience and retweets to gauge your tweet’s performance.
  • How to Find Your Most Liked Tweets: Use X’s native tools and XPro (formerly TweetDeck) if you’re on X Premium.
  • Poswise AI: The Power of creating personalized and engaging tweets in no-time flat.
  • Additional Strategies: From the best times to post, to what makes the best tweets, this section has you covered.
  • Final Thoughts: Learn from your tweet performance and let your most liked tweets, retweets, and engagement factors be your guide on X in 2024.

Understanding the New Landscape on X

With Musk’s recent announcement of the most liked tweets going private, this truly changes the game for analytics and engagement. But it doesn’t mean you’re out of luck when it comes to success.
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Instead, that means it’s high-time to place emphasis on retweets and comments. Now we must leverage these metrics, as they’re crucial to refining your strategy on the platform.

Why Finding Your Most Liked Tweet is Still Important

Even though likes are private, it’s still important to know which tweets get the most hype. Your most popular tweets aren't just something of vanity. These help you understand what resonates with your audience and when you leverage that insight, you can truly refine your content strategy. Basically, the most liked tweets on Twitter (X) are the ones that your audience loves. These tweets boost your engagement and grow your following.
Your most popular tweets can also serve as a benchmark for future content. This is because they provide you with a crystal clear indication of what’s working, and what’s an epic fail, so you can avoid content that bombs and focus on what the people (your audience) really want.

Audience Insight

When thinking about your most liked tweets on Twitter (X), you need to give credit where credit is due. And that my friends, is your audience. You’ll find the most valuable insights come straight from what they like. This makes it paramount to never stop generating fresh Twitter content.
But let’s uncover the scope of your general audience on X. So is your audience into funny tweets, informative, or visual spreads? Understanding this intel is solid gold when it comes to tailor-made tweets to match their interests and possibly in the future, become one of the top tweets of all time.

Content Resonance

When we’re talking about the most liked tweets ever, content resonance is where it's at. Content resonance is how well your content aligns with your audience’s interests and expectations. When your tweets truly resonate, they’re bound to be liked, re-tweeted, shared, and commented on. And when this happens, that increases the overall reach and impact of your tweet.
Here’s some quick tips for creating content that resonates with Twitter (X) users:
  • Regularly engage with your followers and learn what they like.
  • Experiment with different formats like text, videos, images, and threads, and sort tweets by likes to see what gets the most engagement.
  • Stay current to ongoing trends and conversations.

Engagement Boost

Your most liked tweet which receives the most engagement, can really boost your Twitter(X) presence. This is because they attract more followers, allow more people to see you (because of your popular tweet), and enhance your credibility. When you can identify and replicate the elements you used in your top liked tweets, you’ll be able to create highly-engaging content on a more consistent basis.
To boost your Twitter (X) Engagement, here’s some tips:
  • Be visually appealing. Tweets that contain images, GIFs, or videos tend to get more engagement.
  • Pop a question (or two). Talk to your audience, ask them for their opinions or feedback.
  • Always use hashtags. Some of the most popular tweets get there by using relevant hashtags that increase the likelihood of them getting discovered on Twitter (X).

Strategic Reposting

If you truly want to capitalize on your most liked tweets, you can start by reposting them. This isn’t simply repeating content. This is reinforcing the messages that have proven to be a success. It’s not the same as spamming, and can be as powerful if not more so.

Reposting Strategies

  • Choose times when your audience is most active.
  • Tweak the original tweet slightly to keep it fresh. Add new context or a different perspective to ensure it adds value.
Another awesome way to extend the reach of your most popular tweets is through promoted tweets. When you invest in promotion, you can bet that your very best tweets reach a much broader audience, drive more engagement, and allow more Twitter (X) users to see your content.
Here’s some tips to make the best promoted tweets:
  • Use Twitter (X) targeting options to reach your chosen audience.
  • Budget accordingly, using tweets that have already shown organic success.
  • Monitor performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Content Creation Guide

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Image Credit: Digiday
After you find your most liked tweets (more on that below), then you’ll be able to use them as a sort of guide for creating new content on your page. Remember what worked in the past, so you can identify themes and formats that resonate with your audience, using them as the blueprint for your future tweets.
Sometimes, in a sea full of tweets, the struggle is real to come up with something new and fresh to say. That’s where leveraging AI for tweet creation comes in to save the day. You can also check out these stellar tips for using those past tweets as your guide for the future:
  • Look for common themes or topics in your most popular tweets.
  • Replicate successful formats and styles in your new tweets.
  • Stay true and be authentic. Even when you’re replicating, make sure your content stays on-point with your brand’s voice.

Themes and Formats

Alright, so we touched on themes and formats a bit, but it’s important to know what’s successful, for continued engagement. This could be anything from a recurring hashtag, to a certain type of visual, or even a unique tone of voice, these elements could be essential to helping you replicate your success.

Audience Preferences

When you tailor your content to match what your audience really digs, it ensures that you consistently deliver on that value. Just use the insights you gain through your most liked tweets to truly grasp what your audience cares about and then design content that meets those specific interests.
Follow these tips for tailored content:
  • Conduct surveys so you can get to know your audience better.
  • Pay attention to replies and comments on your tweets.
  • Be ready to adapt your content based on what’s working and what’s not.

Methods to Find Your Most Liked Tweet

Okay, now that we get why it’s important to find your most liked tweet and how you can use it to your advantage, let’s talk about how to find your most liked tweet with the many methods available in 2024. With likes now being totally private, the methods to identify your most liked tweets focus on what’s visible to you as the author. Below, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty so that can help you find your most liked tweets ever.

Using X’s Native Tools

Through your notifications, you can regularly check for engagement metrics like retweets and comments. As the post author, you’ll also be able to see how many likes a particular tweet garnered via notifications.

XPro (formerly TweetDeck)

For the more serious X users, XPro, formerly known as TweetDeck is a go-to tool. As part of the X premium service, XPro offers features for those looking to get the most out of their experience. With XPro, you gain an all-access pass to a full post composer, advanced search functionalities, and new columns that help you stay organized.
With XPro, there’s a subscription plan charge for X premium that starts at $8/month ($84/year). And, in order to use XPro, you must be a verified member. This means you must be a blue check mark subscriber. This extra layer of verification is in place for a more secure and reliable experience for users who depend on advanced tools to manage their presence on the platform.

Analytics Dashboard

For premium users, X’s analytics dashboard (part of XPro) still provides a great deal of intel. Here’s how to find your most popular tweets:
  • Navigate to your profile and select the "Analytics" option.
  • Look for tweets with the highest engagement rates and impressions.
  • Check your notifications for the Like count on your tweets.

Manual Tracking

When looking at your most liked tweets, be sure to keep a track record of tweet performance in a spreadsheet and note any engagement metrics and impressions.

Third-Party Tools

Back in the day, you could analyze the metrics of your competitors on Twitter as well, but alas, those days are no more, as likes on Twitter are now officially for your eyes only. They’re private. As mentioned above, only the post’s author can see who liked their posts. This makes engagements and retweets so much more important, than ever before.
That said, there’s still third-party tools that may be able to help you find your most like tweets.
In addition to Twitter's built-in tools, there are several third-party platforms that can help you find your most liked tweets more efficiently. These tools often offer additional features and insights that can enhance your Twitter strategy.
Changes to X - June 30, 2024:
According to Hootsuite, X is removing support for their Followers and Retweet streams for blocking or reporting users in Hootsuite Streams. What does that mean? It means you won’t be able to create new Follower and Retweet streams for X and any existing ones won’t update anymore. But, you can still filter X streams by follower count, follow or unfollow X accounts, like, reply, or repost within X streams.

Utilizing to Maximize Engagement

Postwise AI is not your average tool box. This suite of tools is designed to allow you to effortlessly boost your engagement on X. Take a look below at how Postwise AI can really enhance your online presence and make your social media game the strongest it’s ever been:

AI-Powered Tweet Generation

When it comes to how to write AI tweets, Postwise AI is unmatched. The AI Ghostwriter (more on that below) gets to know your tone, crafting personalized tweets that truly resonate with your audience. This way, your content stays true and engaging, while saving you time and keeping your tweets on point.

Personalized AI Ghostwriter

So you know how to find your most popular tweets, but did you know that with’s personalized Ghostwriter, you can officially take all the guesswork out of tweeting? It crafts tweets that fit the exact tone you’re aiming for - and gears them for engagement. What’s more, this little gem is fully trained on the most engaging, viral content and is a surefire way to kick it up a notch when it comes to creating new tweets that become among the top tweets of all time (regardless of private likes or not).’s Ghostwriter creates tweets that hit the mark and fuel engagement.

Inspiration Library

Get inspired and never run out of tweet ideas for your next post with Postwise AI’s Inspiration Library. It’s jam-packed with a wealth of inspiration (and success), sorted by topic, so you can keep your content fresh.

GrowthTools Suite

When comparing AI tweet generators, nothing compares to the features like the GrowthTools™ suite with Postwise AI. Auto-Plug and Auto Retweet features are designed to maximize your tweet visibility and engagement. These tools work by automating repetitive tasks so you can focus on what matters the most for your brand.


For those of you who use more than just X, there’s the Auto-Plug feature. With Auto-Plug (a LinkedIn feature), you can drive traffic to your site on auto-pilot.

Auto Retweet

With Auto retweet, automates your retweets so you don’t have to. This feature is great for keeping your content visible to a wider audience, minus the hassle of remembering to do it yourself.

Additional Strategies for Maximizing Engagement

If you really want to boost your Twitter engagement, along with your most liked tweets, bes sure to use a mix of strategies like these below:

Timing and Frequency

Some of the best laid plans come down to how often you post and the time you post. When your audience is most active is when you want your tweets to go live. This is going to increase the likelihood of them being seen and going viral.

Optimal Posting Times

Finding the best times to post means you’ve really got to take a closer look at when your audience is active on X. Tools like Postwise AI can give you insight into the very best times to post so that you can aim for some of the top tweets of all time. Just remember, you can schedule your posts with Postwise AI, so even if you’re asleep, if your audience is awake, your tweets can thrive.

Consistent Posting Schedule

Be sure to keep a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged, so that your content remains fresh in their mind. Plan your tweets in advance and use scheduling tools, like Postwise AI’s tweet scheduling, so you can maintain a steady flow of content.
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Image Credit: MakeUseOf

Utilizing Visuals

Visual content is much more appealing and shareable than text-only tweets. The most liked tweets and most retweeted tweets incorporate images, GIFs, and videos within the tweet that truly capture the audience’s attention.

Effective Use of Images

Be sure to use images that are easy on the eyes, high-quality and add value to your message. Tools like Canva can help you create eye-catching visuals for your tweets.

Video Content

With video, it can be very effective in captivating the hearts and minds as well as driving engagement. Short videos that convey your message are ideal on X. Create your video with one of the best AI content creation tools for 2024 and then schedule it with Postwise AI without hassle.
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Image Credit: Tech Crunch

Engaging with Followers

Another great strategy to use alongside your most liked tweets ever, is to remember to engage with your followers directly as we touched on briefly, throughout this article.
This means you should respond to comments, retweet user-generated content, and even do things like host the occasional Q&A sessions.
This will allow you to interact with your followers directly and it’ll provide you with valuable insights. You could even take the Q&A sessions a step further by promoting them in advance, by using a specific hashtag.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Strategy

To truly stay ahead of the curve on X, you need to keep an eye on your performance and be ready to adjust your strategy as needed based on the insights you gather. Regular performance reviews, A/B testing, and adapting to new trends will help you refine your approach and achieve better results.

Regular Performance Reviews

To stay on top of your A-game and tweet performance, set a schedule for weekly and monthly reviews to analyze key metrics so you can adjust your strategy as needed.

Key Metrics to Track

The metrics that matter the most on X include retweets, impressions, engagement rates, and follower growth. This will provide you with a guide to see if there’s somewhere that needs improvement.

A/B Testing

With A/B testing, you’ll create two versions of the same tweet and see which one does better with your audience. This is a data-driven way to refine your content strategy. Here’s how it’s done:

Setting Up A/B Tests

  • Create two versions of a tweet with slight variations.
  • Post them at the same time and track their performance using tools like
  • Analyze the results to see which version resonates more with your audience.

Analyzing Test Results

  • Look at metrics such as retweets, comments, and impressions to determine the winning tweet.
  • Use these insights to refine your future tweets and continuously improve your content strategy.
In order to remain seen on X, it’s important to stay adaptable and responsive to up-and-coming trends. This is crucial if you wish to stay relevant. Here’s how to do it:

Trend Analysis

  • Use tools and platforms like to monitor trending topics in your niche.
  • Analyze these trends to understand what’s capturing your audience’s attention and incorporate similar themes into your tweets.

Real-Time Adjustments

  • Making real-time adjustments based on trending topics can significantly boost your tweet’s reach and engagement.
  • Stay flexible and be prepared to pivot your strategy to align with current events and trends.

Learnings Recap

Alright, we’ve covered a lot of ground here, so let’s take a look back at all we’ve learned about how to find your most liked tweets. With likes on X now private, things may have changed a bit, but you can still use likes to your advantage and effectively boost your engagement by focusing on the tools and strategies that are available to you. Here’s what we’ve learned today:
  • Identifying your most liked tweets helps understand audience preferences and boosts engagement, even though only you can see the like counts.
  • There are multiple methods to find your most liked tweets, including X’s native tools and third-party apps like
  • Regularly monitor and adjust your strategy to stay ahead, leveraging the insights gained from your tweet performance.

Final Thoughts

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Image Credit: GeekFlare
When you find your top tweets of all time, they can be one powerful way to truly get an understanding of your audience and help you to refine your content strategy (even with the recent privacy changes on X). When you leverage tools like Postwise AI and XPro (for premium X subscribers), you can bank on your content resonating with your followers and fueling engagement that lasts.
Just remember that the key to a successful X strategy is in staying adaptable and continuously learning from your overall performance metrics. Use the intel you gained from your most liked tweets to guide your future and keep your audience coming back for more!
At, we’re here to help you with so much more than just finding your most popular tweet. We’ve got the tools you need so you can sit back, relax, and watch your follower count on X grow. Allow us to help you boost your online presence and see the world of a difference that tools like our AI Ghostwriter, AI Threads, and GrowthTools™ suite can make for your strategy on X!

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of

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