How to Schedule a Twitter Thread?

Twitter threads require proper structure, sequence, and timing for optimum reach. But you only get one shot to get the threads right since you can’t save or schedule them directly on Twitter. Luckily, we have a tool to help you. Here’s how to schedule your Twitter threads with it:

How to Schedule a Twitter Thread?
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How to Schedule An Impactful Twitter Thread

Do you want to maintain your online presence but struggle to master the art of Twitter Threads?
Twitter threads require proper structure, sequence, and timing for optimum reach. But you only get one shot to get the threads right since you can’t save or schedule them directly on Twitter.
Luckily, there’s a tool to help you draft, preview, and schedule your Twitter threads. Continue reading to learn how to schedule threads on Twitter.

Step-by-Step Guide to Scheduling a Twitter Thread

Twitter allows users to post and schedule individual tweets. But it doesn’t offer any built-in options for threads.
A third-party Twitter scheduling tool like Postwise can help you automate Twitter threads for maximum reach and engagement.
Here’s how:

Step 1: Write the Thread

First, you must create your tweet thread. You can write this out manually or leverage Postwise’s AI Writer. Our AI writer is powered by custom algorithms that handle tweet generation from start to finish. It analyzes previous tweets to identify and align with your writing style and tone.
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Simply enter the topic and related keywords to generate multiple thread options instantly.  Or, use the Postwise editor to draft your Twitter thread.

Step 2: Edit your Thread

Select the Tweet Thread you want to post. You can edit individual tweets and add images to make them more interesting through our Writer interface. To add an image to your Tweets, select the image icon on the right corner of the page. Make sure each Tweet connects with the next one for a seamless flow.
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Step 3: Schedule

Once you are happy with the content, click "Schedule" below your tweet. You can select what time and day your Thread goes up. Your options include following a predefined schedule or natural posting that spreads out your thread so you don’t have to be online all day.
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Spreading Out and Sequencing

Spreading the tweets in your threads rather than posting them all at once will enhance your opportunities of reaching a broader audience. It will also give your target audience time to digest and interact with you at a reasonable pace without overwhelming them.
When you post a thread, each tweet can be individually retweeted, replied to, or liked, increasing engagement metrics. You can maintain focus and prevent cluttering by dedicating each tweet in your thread to a specific point.
Sequence your tweets for smooth storytelling and a coherent narrative. Posting a long thread at once without a proper structure causes oversaturation as it floods follower timelines. This can potentially annoy them or cause them to skip your content.
To spread out Tweet threads:
  1. Click the Growth icon from the tools.
  1. Toggle the Thread Spread to ON.
  1. Select a time interval.
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Your thread will be spread across your Timeline rather than posting it simultaneously. You can also reference your first Tweet when writing threads to ensure people understand your message. Embed your first tweet in a thread by adding [tweet] to the end of the following tweets in the Writer.
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Best Practices for Crafting an Engaging Twitter Thread

Are Twitter threads effective? Yes, they are, but you can’t rely solely on them to define your Twitter growth. Knowing how to create threads on Twitter can aid in your engagement, but it's quality over quantity. Compelling content that hooks followers instantly is more likely to boost success than monotonous, outdated content.
Here’s how to create Twitter threads that create waves and highlight your narrative:

Keep Things Concise

The point of Twitter is to get your message across fast and in fewer words. Remember, it’s social media, not an ebook. Keep it clear, relatable, and concise, putting yourself in your audience's shoes.
Buddy Media’s “Strategies for Effective Tweeting” reports, "Tweets that contain less than 100 characters receive 17% higher engagement than longer Tweets.”
Emojis add emotion effortlessly. Aim for 240-259 characters in each Tweet. Shorter tweets are easier to read, express your ideas clearly and address the problem of limited attention spans. Since threads essentially link multiple tweets together, distill your ideas so that they’re to the point and easy to scan.
Remember, a solid call to action delivers impact. Add powerful words like You, Now, Instantly, and Free to further drive engagement. You can use Postwise's AI Ghostwriter to create six different thread hook ideas against a single topic. Each hook and subsequent tweet can be customized to grasp reader's attention.
Sign up for a free Postwise trial to take the stress out of crafting content!

Use Visuals to Enhance Engagement

Anything on social media with visuals will generate more buzz than words. Although Twitter is text-focused, attention-grabbing visuals and optimizing layouts are vital to make things interesting.
Text alone can’t explain complex topics to people who know nothing about your subject. In addition to standard visuals, shareable memes, and GIFs are an effective way to make your Tweet threads more personal and relevant.
Prioritize quality, avoid clutter, and follow Twitter's media guidelines to leave a lasting impact on followers.

Avoid Fluff. Add Value

In the crowded digital landscape, cutting through the noise is essential. Skip the fluff and concentrate on offering genuine value to your readers.
Create engaging material that aligns with your goals instead of sharing boring facts and figures with your target audience. Help your followers visualize by sharing valuable insights and solutions. This makes your Tweets more shareable because they can be retweeted or quoted without further explanation.
Be straightforward and to the point. Your audience’s time is precious, so your content must add value to their lives to build credibility. This also builds loyalty in the long run, with followers returning to your profile regularly for more content.
Are Twitter threads compelling without solid proof? No. Getting your audience to trust you is challenging without credible links, research, and external sources. Stick to authoritative, reputable websites that show your information is well-researched and accurate.
Backing your claims also provides transparency because followers can verify information themselves. In this data-driven, information-rich environment, misinformation is a primary concern.
Some claims might be complex or riddled with jargon that the majority aren’t familiar with. External links add depth because they comprehensively understand the subject matter and prevent misunderstandings.

Measuring the Success of Your Scheduled Twitter Thread

Evaluating the effectiveness of your scheduled Twitter thread involves a multi-faceted approach. You can use Twitter analytics to see how many people click, retweet, and engage with your thread.
This gives you numbers to see how your audience is reacting. Pay close attention to what people directly say in response to your thread. Comments can reveal how they truly feel about your tweets.
To improve your strategy, use data and feedback together to strategize content. If only a few people engage, determine which parts didn't work and incorporate this into your strategy. On the contrary, if your tweets are retweeted and clicked numerous times, evaluate what people liked and add more of it to your content planner.
A flexible approach is essential because audience preferences and likes are always changing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Scheduling Threads

Just because you know how to schedule a thread on Twitter doesn’t mean you know how to create threads for impact. Common mistakes can quickly destroy your relevance online and leave you looking unprofessional.

Not Double-checking the Order of Tweets

Hook your audience to your content by creating a story. You can also stir curiosity and suspense by concealing information and asking followers to stay tuned for more.
But it’s important to double-check what you are scheduling to post. If the threads are in the wrong order or don’t flow naturally, they won’t make sense or generate audience curiosity. You can simplify the task by using Postwise’s Ghost AI writer for content and automatic scheduling!

Overloaded Threads

Tweets are a robust means to clearly communicate with your audience, not confuse them. If your tweets have too much content that is all over the place, you will lose engagement. If people wanted to read a book, they would go to a library, not Twitter. Less is more when it comes to Twitter threads.
Your content is useless if it doesn’t tell the audience what to do. Highlighting a problem isn’t enough. Always ensure your tweets have a clear call-to-action and have the correct links to fulfill that action.

Failing to Monitor and Engage

Even the best Twitter scheduling tool can’t help if you don’t connect with your target audience. As Rollo May said, "Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing." You need to follow up and talk to people to forge meaningful connections. Answer questions and reply to comments to understand your target audience.

Conclusion: The Power of Scheduled Twitter Threads

In the dynamic world of Twitter, crafting impactful threads is essential. Utilize Postwise's AI-powered tools to create engaging content, schedule threads effectively, and optimize engagement.
Remember, concise tweets, visuals, and valuable insights are critical. Measure success with analytics and refine based on data and feedback.
Sign up for Postwise to help you on every step, from creating hooks to scheduling your threads. Here are
so you can get a kick-start on your Twitter growth.

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Written by

Elliott Murray
Elliott Murray

Founder of

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